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Gnizmo said:

Kantor said:

It's a little bit stupid to compare this to Halo 3. Nobody said it would be a Halo killer. Nobody. It would have been lucky to get a third of Halo 3's first week sales. Halo is a massive series with Microsoft advertising and a vast loyal fanbase. Also, holiday season release...

 No body you say? You sure about that? That is an interesting thread when you think about it then. I mean, if it doesn't exist, how can we read it? What you should be saying is no one reasonable claimed it would be a Halo killer. Lots of over the top rabbid fanboys claimed it would be the Halo killer. Some of them still do say it. I have issues with other parts of your post as well, but I am too lazy to address them now.

That thread has nothing to do with sales. The idea of killing Halo is ridiculous, but I say Killzone 2 is better than Halo 3 in almost every way...

Find one person who said that Killzone 2 would even come near Halo 3 sales.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective