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Kantor said:

That thread has nothing to do with sales. The idea of killing Halo is ridiculous, but I say Killzone 2 is better than Halo 3 in almost every way...

Find one person who said that Killzone 2 would even come near Halo 3 sales.

 First and foremost, that is not the claim I was disputing. You said no one called Killzone 2 the Halo killer. That is wrong. There was an entire thread about it. Point number 2 I will oblige you on eventually I suppose. It will take a while to wade through all the crap predictions, but I am certain some ridiculous fanboy will have said it was. Of course this proves nothign as some ridiculous fanboy has no bearing on what rational people thought and said. Rabbid fanboys say all kinds of stupid things though, so you should avoid the word "nobody."

Edit: Didn't take me long at all it seems. Gotta love Crazzyman. 10 million total sales would definately put it past Halo 3.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229