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Forums - Sales Discussion - Killzone 2 Sales Discussion

Lets look serious. KZ2 did very well for a PS3 shooter game. Yes, it's far away from first week numbers of Halo 3, GoW2, CoD4 (360), CoD: WaW (360) and even first GoW, but this is what PS3 can offer. Like it or not 360 has more shooters fans then PS3. If you compare sales with 360 big games they are not that good, but if you compare KZ2 sales with other PS3 shooter games then you can see that KZ2 did very well. If CoD: WaW (PS3) and CoD 4 (PS3) can sold more then 3 m, then KZ3 will sell more then 3 for sure.

Enjoy the game PS3 owners.

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Pharaoh said:
Squilliam said:
Hmm, Killzone 2 is almost officially IMO the 3rd biggest FPS series on consoles in this generation.



In any case its some pretty solid work there, I was disapointed in how R2 diminished against the likes of COD, however I believe that KZ has the stuff like GoW/Halo to go head to head against COD and prosper which is something very few FPS/shooters themselves can manage.


you mean GeoW, God of War (GOW) is not a FPS.  Get your acronyms right! didn't we have a thread on this?

You're arguing with the guy who made the thread saying that Gears should be GoW, which everybody thought he was banned for because he was silly enough to tell makingmusic to give him a funny ban reason for his requested ban, and he promptly got unbanned 27 days before his ban was supposed to expire. Lol.

OT: 720k first week in the West. Not bad at all. With 40k from Japan, that'll bring it to 760k, only 40k below my prediction of 800k. I have a feeling it's a little bit undertracked in Europe...1.1 million shipped as of three weeks ago, perhaps 1.5 million now. That means another 1 million sitting on shelves...

It'll have strong legs, being a shooter. Notice how all of the 360 fanboys have switched from "the first week sales will suck" to "lol, below Gears and Halo" and "it won't have legs". They switched from "It won't push hardware" to "Lol, Sony's "savior" (a term only they used) only made the PS3 outsell the 360 in Others by 150 copies lol"

It's a little bit stupid to compare this to Halo 3. Nobody said it would be a Halo killer. Nobody. It would have been lucky to get a third of Halo 3's first week sales. Halo is a massive series with Microsoft advertising and a vast loyal fanbase. Also, holiday season release...

It's almost as stupid to compare it to Gears of War 2. Sequel to Gears of War, published by Microsoft, vs. sequel to Killzone, published by Sony. Hmm...

It's only fair to compare it to other FPS games on the PS3:

CoD:WaW first week: 735,630. Little bit below. Now at 2.96 million.

Resistance 2 first week: 403,349. Well above. Now at 1.46 million.

CoD4 first week: 444,646. Well above. Now at a whopping 4.05 million.

RFOM: 242,258. Lol. Now at 3.55 million.

Bad Company: 139,741. ROFL. Now at 0.72 million. Killzone 2 is now tied with Bad Company in sales

Unreal Tournament III: 122,806. Mmhmm... Now at 0.60 million.

Basically, it's the second highest FPS opening, and the fourth highest opening for a PS3 game. This, with pretty much no fanbase to speak of, and a February release. Not bad. And as for stopping at 2 million... Look at the first four games. Did/will any of them stop anywhere near 2 million? World at War will sell over 4 million, R2 should cross 3 million, CoD4 has already crossed 4 million. I can see sales similar to World at War, around 4.5 million when all is said and done.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

makingmusic476 said:
Pharaoh said:
Squilliam said:
Hmm, Killzone 2 is almost officially IMO the 3rd biggest FPS series on consoles in this generation.



In any case its some pretty solid work there, I was disapointed in how R2 diminished against the likes of COD, however I believe that KZ has the stuff like GoW/Halo to go head to head against COD and prosper which is something very few FPS/shooters themselves can manage.


you mean GeoW, God of War (GOW) is not a FPS.  Get your acronyms right! didn't we have a thread on this?


Indeed we did!

In which the topic creator got banned by a ....certain some fanboy... for the "blasphemy".



:P *hangs tongue out of mouth*


Seriously MM, I'll never be able to look at that smiley face the same way again. I just got this really weird mental image I can't let go of thanks to you.


Anyways, why do people believe that this game will have such horrible legs?




Wow, news of his banning really made the rounds. We still don't know who unbanned him. It doesn't say in the moderation report.

And it was a requested ban! Twesterm actually banned him first, but Squilliam didn't like the "Divided by zero" reason much, so we came up with something else on Steam. We thought the "GoW" thing was funny because we were always having that argument on Steam, and he had just made the thread, lol.

I know I know, I was kidding, that's why I hung my tongue out of my mouth.

Around the Network

It's sticking your tongue out, not hanging, lol.

And I know you know. I was just clarifying in case certain other posters got confused and started making more unkind allegations. :P

I have a feeling his and ameratsu's requested bans played a part in all this.

It did great!

It did crap!

There, that should cover the bases.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...

makingmusic476 said:

Wow, news of his banning really made the rounds. We still don't know who unbanned him. It doesn't say in the moderation report.

And it was a requested ban! Twesterm actually banned him first, but Squilliam didn't like the "Divided by zero" reason much, so we came up with something else on Steam. We thought the "GoW" thing was funny because we were always having that argument on Steam, and he had just made the thread, lol.

I like Divided By Zero more...

I know it was a requested ban now, but I was a little confused to start with. I saw you post it on somebody's wall.

Squilliam's a wimp. I told him he was meant to be banned for another 27 days, he said it wasn't his fault. I told him to go work, he said "I need to go walk my dog" or something. Needs a dose of self discipline, methinks

I think you should ban him again, and no matter how much he cringes, put "Requested Ban".

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

He always needs to go walk his dog. Either that or cook, lol.

I always though this game would have legs to the point that I predicted 4 million sales for the game over it's lifetime. I still stand my that number, is anything else the EU bundles should help the game sell very well.