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Kantor said:

I was referring to sales. Just the idea of a Halo killer in itself is ridiculous. Halo shaped the genre, and a family of consoles was essentially built on it. Killzone 2 had no chance of being as significant as Halo. Ask ten people on the street who Master Chief is, more people will know that if you were to ask them who Tomas Sevchenko is, or even Jan Templar.

But anybody thinking that Killzone 2 would sell half of what Halo 3 sold first week is delusional, a fanboy, and needs a reality check.

I think Killzone 2 is a better game, but that doesn't make it a Halo killer, because Halo cannot be killed. It is timeless. It's like calling LBP a Mario Killer, or Fable a Zelda Killer (seen both of those on VGC sadly)

I've seen a couple of people here saying that Killzone 2 would be a Halo killer, but not one person predicted over 3 million first week.

 Check the game page. One guy was saying 3-4 million week one. There is always a crazy fanboy who believes something ridiculously stupid. I do't know why that is, but you might want to just accept it.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229