This gen is starting off really boring.
d21lewis said: This gen is starting off really boring. |
It's all Cranky Kong's fault. That bastard.
---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---
d21lewis said: This gen is starting off really boring. |
They always do, that's why I'm waiting a year or two till I get my PS4. I still have to many games to play and beat on the PS3, hell I even have a bunch on the PS2 as well!
I need to get fired or laid off.
trasharmdsister12 said:
As for what's on my mind... The forum has all but forgotten me. It's time to rebuild and let everyone know who I am. |
Sounds good. I have one more day of work and then I get a week off. I'll try to get up with you one day.
This is a cold and long winter. I await spring. I am also back on this forum. Cheers.
Why on earth do I have to pay the same amount of money for shoes as some genetic giant with huge feet?
Hmm, pie.
This is my favorite thread.
Please Watch/Share this video so it gets shown in Hollywood.
Googling pictures for vaginas, but this time it really is for educational purposes. :p
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