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If only I wasn't flat broke before the price inflation of xenoblade chronicles I would'v already had it; cause I'm telling you right now I'm not going to waste my $ on gamestop, or online for a used copy.

Thanks a lot NOA.

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I wonder if my club nintendo platinum reward was stolen. It's never taken this long!

Lost 10$ from my pocket.. I hate when this happens.

I don't believe in sending kids to prison but maybe we should make an exception.

You wanna go punk

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

Around the Network

the hell did I do wrong?

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

Spurge these posts should've been Fred's!

I used to be very good at this but now I realize that I will never understand the thought process of a woman. Just had a huge fight and I STILL don't know what went wrong.

started arabic classes on monday. Hopefully I can keep up :D

Highwaystar101 said: trashleg said that if I didn't pay back the money she leant me, she would come round and break my legs... That's why people call her trashleg, because she trashes the legs of the people she loan sharks money to.

5 am.. what am i doing up so late.. i wish i could draw better


WII U // PC // 3ds XL // VITA