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Forums - Gaming Discussion - "The Conduit is generic"

Agamemnon862 said:
Most FPS's are generic, doesnt make them bad. I disagree with many of the examples you provided, Halo may have generic gameplay, but it added many features that helped to strengthen FPS's on the console. Escpecially online play.


Halo 1 didn't even have online support because XBL wasn't even done, lets get real for a second here though, I'm talking about FPS in general, not just console FPS, FPS as a whole hasn't been evolving for years, they sell the games by "ZOMG LOOK AT OUR GFX! YOU CAN NOW BLOW UP WALLS DUE TO OUR L33T PHYSICS ENGINE!" gameplay has been pretty much the same, at least for me. Console people have been claiming that they've caught up to PC FPS by now, and I totally believe it by looking at the gameplay, cause there is nothing new even though I know consoles have crappier graphics vs the PC, and that keyboard and mouse is better than analogs, but that doesn't make them any less of an experience, but it's still nothing new at this point of time.

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Well, there's games like STALKER that bring FPS's in a different direction, less cinematic, more freedom and independent AI, more role play and survival elements. The game has flaws but it's certainly trying to take the genre in a different direction. Then there's always portal too. So I think some FPS's are still trying new things, mostly on PC.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

The_vagabond7 said:

For example. Look at the latest develop diary. Keep in mind, this is the PR. This is what they are bragging about bringing to the table.

He talks about advanced AI like "backing away from the player" and "dodging by running to the right or to the left" and "throwing grenades". Well I guess in turok, enemies didn't ever back up.

Enemies have more than one death animation too!

Or talking about how the music changes at different points in the level, or the music changing when you solve a puzzle!



It's not accused of being generic for it's story, or art direction. Those aren't bad. It's because they are hyping the kind of game you'd expect to play on PC in 2002. It's just not the modern vein of FPS. Which again, doesn't make it bad. It just doesn't bring in much excitement.


I dig the customizable hud element arrangement.


The only generic thing in Conduit is it's ard direction which isn't on par with all the rest things of the game (except the story because we don't know it yet).

If they use the ASE wisely, and put loads of easter eggs it could be good.


But one thing i'm sure of - they'll make money on engine licenses, so i cannot wait for next FPS-es (and other games) using their engine, with a better art direction and more original setting.



Demotruk said:
Well, there's games like STALKER that bring FPS's in a different direction, less cinematic, more freedom and independent AI, more role play and survival elements. The game has flaws but it's certainly trying to take the genre in a different direction. Then there's always portal too. So I think some FPS's are still trying new things, mostly on PC.


portal is a puzzle game, and stalker is a rpg-like game that was a revamped idea of farcry that was really bugged and outdone by farcry2 or fallout3 (pretty much an evolution chain.) but PC generally does have more advancements on FPS, be it big or small.

Shadowblind said:
frybread said:

What sets The Conduit apart?

The best controls for a home console FPS.

People say The Conduit would be ignored on PS360. I disagree - if it came with a pointing device, it would sell like crazy.



Opinion =/= fact. Wierd right? Haha


When I say best, I don't mean preference.  I mean superiority.


Number of FPS gamers who use USB gamepads in a tournament:


Pointing devices rule.

The best home console FPS right now (in terms of controls) is MoH2, and I dare say High Voltage has spent more time tweaking things.



PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
Wii: 10^8

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frybread said:
Shadowblind said:
frybread said:

What sets The Conduit apart?

The best controls for a home console FPS.

People say The Conduit would be ignored on PS360. I disagree - if it came with a pointing device, it would sell like crazy.



Opinion =/= fact. Wierd right? Haha


When I say best, I don't mean preference.  I mean superiority.


Number of FPS gamers who use USB gamepads in a tournament:


Pointing devices rule.

The best home console FPS right now (in terms of controls) is MoH2, and I dare say High Voltage has spent more time tweaking things.



How many of those same tournament goers hook up a wiimote to their computer?



Torillian said:
frybread said:
Shadowblind said:
frybread said:

What sets The Conduit apart?

The best controls for a home console FPS.

People say The Conduit would be ignored on PS360. I disagree - if it came with a pointing device, it would sell like crazy.



Opinion =/= fact. Wierd right? Haha


When I say best, I don't mean preference.  I mean superiority.


Number of FPS gamers who use USB gamepads in a tournament:


Pointing devices rule.

The best home console FPS right now (in terms of controls) is MoH2, and I dare say High Voltage has spent more time tweaking things.



How many of those same tournament goers hook up a wiimote to their computer?




The games don't take advantage of it, while they can usually be played by gamepad (because it's so easy to add gamepad control that you might as well).

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.

Phoenix_Wiight said:
thats because most are on the 360, some on the PS3, and most people that play on those systems dont care about story, or anything like that, they care about shooting stuff.

yea, a lot of HD console players may not care about story, but judging by the best sold games of each plattform I think an even greater percentage of Wii players don't care about story either

KylieDog said:
Torillian said:

How many of those same tournament goers hook up a wiimote to their computer?



How many PC games are designed for a Wiimote?


It was my understanding that the Wiimote could be used as a mouse for a computer, this is what I'm alluding to, and the fact that noone has done that simply shows that all the Tournament goers prove is that Mouse is more exact than a gamepad, and has nothing to do with the Wiimote.

And to answer your question, none, just like the number that are designed for a gamepad.


whorenraged said:

I see many people claiming that The Conduit is generic. Because it is all about Aliens, we have to save the world, no major addictions in the genre despite gameplay (which is on it's way to be the best on consoles btw).


Ok, so based on this criteria I did a list of games that we can call generic also, based on the same thoughts for the Conduit. (The ones I own are marked with a *)

- Resistance 1/2 - Has Aliens, we have to save the world - GENERIC GAME

- Halo 1/2/3 - Aliens, Aliens, Aliens - EPICLY GENERIC GAME

- *CoD5 - WW2, We have to save the world - GENERIC GAME

- *The Darkness - Weird Creatures, so - GENERIC GAME

- Unreal Tournament - Generic name, and on top of that, there is "aliens" - GENERIC GAME




I don't remenber anything right now. The list can be updated. Your thoughts...?

Resistance 1: Had an entirely new weapon system, a story which nobody had tried before.

Resistance 2: 8 player co-op, 60 player competitive in groups. That's higher than any other console game.

Halo 1: Truly brought FPS to the consoles. Used a new control system, and basically set the weapon system that would be used again...and again...and again.

Halo 2: Not generic, but derivative.

Halo 3: See above.

CoD5: That was extremely generic, I agree.

The Darkness: You're kidding, right? It had a full movie inside it, DIFFERENT creatures, it was scary, and it had a good story.

Unreal Tournament: Different health system from most shooters, Fast-paced, large environments where you can jump through the air

Left 4 Dead: Wow. Left 4 Dead is perhaps the best co-op game I have ever played. Sure, it has zombies, but the way it makes you tackle your problems, the way it relies on teamwork and co-operation, like a co-op game should, is rare. And Left 4 Dead does it extremely well.

I don't know what to say about The Conduit. Like most non-Wii owners, all I know is that it's an FPS, developed by people with a less than stellar track record (but hey, KZ2 exists), and published by Sega, which some people are hyping to be the second coming of Christ and predicting 3 million sales LT ()

So I suppose calling The Conduit generic stems from not really knowing anything about it. that's innovative.

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