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Agamemnon862 said:
Most FPS's are generic, doesnt make them bad. I disagree with many of the examples you provided, Halo may have generic gameplay, but it added many features that helped to strengthen FPS's on the console. Escpecially online play.


Halo 1 didn't even have online support because XBL wasn't even done, lets get real for a second here though, I'm talking about FPS in general, not just console FPS, FPS as a whole hasn't been evolving for years, they sell the games by "ZOMG LOOK AT OUR GFX! YOU CAN NOW BLOW UP WALLS DUE TO OUR L33T PHYSICS ENGINE!" gameplay has been pretty much the same, at least for me. Console people have been claiming that they've caught up to PC FPS by now, and I totally believe it by looking at the gameplay, cause there is nothing new even though I know consoles have crappier graphics vs the PC, and that keyboard and mouse is better than analogs, but that doesn't make them any less of an experience, but it's still nothing new at this point of time.