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Forums - Sony Discussion - Bethesda Won't Commit To PS3 Fallout 3 Getting Ability To Play Post-Ending!

This is my opinion so if you don't like it too bad.

Look at what some people are saying here, you really think it is fine that you are going to have to pay for something that was a normal feature in Oblivion? You are fine that you are paying for what was a normal feature in Morrowind? YOU ARE FINE that you are paying for something that was a normal feature in FALLOUT 2?!!!!

I can not believe how foolish this gen has made some people. Pretty much Bethesda took an original part of not just the series but their games, removed it, then decided to make you pay for it.

How in the hell is anyone fine with that?

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fallout isn't the elder scrolls though.

^Did you read what I wrote?

Fallout 2 allowed you to continue after completing the main quest. If anyone can confirm, did the original also have this same option? If so, then guess what? Gamers got jipped.

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FaRmLaNd said:
fallout isn't the elder scrolls though.

In Fallout 1 and 2 you could play after you beat the game.

Well at least 2.  I forget if you could in 1 or not.  I beleieve so but it's been a while and i kept hurring to try a different char type.


this is getting ridiculous, they are favoring MS so much now its not even fair....





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you guys are probably right. Its been years since I've played fallout. If you can infact continue playing then bethesda have infact been a tad restrictive. But hey you don't need to preach that to me, Bethesda are one of the most overrated RPG developers in the world. Oblivion was crap and fallout 3 whilst good was nowhere near as good as the originals.

Euphoria14 said:
This is my opinion so if you don't like it too bad.

Look at what some people are saying here, you really think it is fine that you are going to have to pay for something that was a normal feature in Oblivion? You are fine that you are paying for what was a normal feature in Morrowind? YOU ARE FINE that you are paying for something that was a normal feature in FALLOUT 2?!!!!

I can not believe how foolish this gen has made some people. Pretty much Bethesda took an original part of not just the series but their games, removed it, then decided to make you pay for it.

How in the hell is anyone fine with that?

Oh yeah because you're the almighty god and know, that without DLCs Fallout 3 would have been an entirely different game.

That's what I call foolish.

You know what this makes me think of?

I remember an article a couple months back where (sorry can not remember the dev) they were talking about releasing games incomplete and then charging for DLC so you get the "full experience" or full game. I know there were many who did not support that idea, as expected.

Now we look at this scenario. A staple feature in the FALLOUT series, now removed, then charged for later on. Does this not sound like the same thing? Only difference here is that the devs did not charge less for the retail copy. In other words they are pretty much doing what was talked about back then and for some odd reason now people are on board with the idea.

Anyone see it this way or is it just me? As gamers shouldn't we be against something like this?

What will be the next game to have staple features removed and later charged for? Who knows, maybe the next Mortal Kombat will require you to pay for the ability to use "Fatalities".

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Barozi said:
Euphoria14 said:
This is my opinion so if you don't like it too bad.

Look at what some people are saying here, you really think it is fine that you are going to have to pay for something that was a normal feature in Oblivion? You are fine that you are paying for what was a normal feature in Morrowind? YOU ARE FINE that you are paying for something that was a normal feature in FALLOUT 2?!!!!

I can not believe how foolish this gen has made some people. Pretty much Bethesda took an original part of not just the series but their games, removed it, then decided to make you pay for it.

How in the hell is anyone fine with that?

Oh yeah because you're the almighty god and know, that without DLCs Fallout 3 would have been an entirely different game.

That's what I call foolish.

Why would it have been different? They are expanding the story now because of this right? If things stayed the way they always were in terms of the Fallout series and its features (that have been the norm for about 10 years now) these things you will pay for now would have come standard, whether that comes in March or came in November, what difference does it make? Oh yeah, difference is that it would have cost less.

I also never said I was an almighty God. Maybe you are just upset that so far I came in and made a very good point and you have yet to make any.

I guess everyone who does not support this idea is foolish too. Only smart people like to have shit taken out of their games and charged for it after. If this is what foolish is defined as, then by all means call me foolish.


iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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Just leave it at this. I said it was my opinion and that is exactly how my feelings on the subject will stay. I do not support taking out features that are a regular part of not just a series, but a regular feature in this companies "Open World" games and then being asked to pay for it later. Then to make it even worse only offer those staple features from the series to one portion of your customers while screwing the rest.

Trust me this will probably happen with the next Oblivion game and most likely the next Fallout. Option to continue after completing the main storyline will end up becoming a norm DLC from Bethesda. If that is fine with you, go ahead and pay, I am not stopping you, never intended to, but I on the other hand will just skip those games.

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

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