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You know what this makes me think of?

I remember an article a couple months back where (sorry can not remember the dev) they were talking about releasing games incomplete and then charging for DLC so you get the "full experience" or full game. I know there were many who did not support that idea, as expected.

Now we look at this scenario. A staple feature in the FALLOUT series, now removed, then charged for later on. Does this not sound like the same thing? Only difference here is that the devs did not charge less for the retail copy. In other words they are pretty much doing what was talked about back then and for some odd reason now people are on board with the idea.

Anyone see it this way or is it just me? As gamers shouldn't we be against something like this?

What will be the next game to have staple features removed and later charged for? Who knows, maybe the next Mortal Kombat will require you to pay for the ability to use "Fatalities".

iPhone = Great gaming device. Don't agree? Who cares, because you're wrong.

Currently playing:

Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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