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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - "Bioshock 2 possibly a timed exclusive?"

PS3 owners won¡tbuy a game for full price when it's already a year old and the fact that the they probably already played the thing. If they release B2 on both the 360 and PS3, the 360 sales will be better but it will most likely sell over a million on the PS3.

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It'll be on 360 first cause it's using the Unreal 3 engine and it takes more work to get it running on PS3

Great news for XBox 360. So Bioshock 2 will appear on PS3 12 months after it debuts on X360/PC. Excellent work MS.

I wont buy none of these, none of them. It's either they release them together or not at all.

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11/20/09 04:25 makingmusic476 Warning Other (Your avatar is borderline NSFW. Please keep it for as long as possible.)
numonex said:
Great news for XBox 360. So Bioshock 2 will appear on PS3 12 months after it debuts on X360/PC. Excellent work MS.'re just tryin see if you can piss a sensitive PS3 fanboy off

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Here's the fly in the ointment - and purely my opinion. 2K knows the 360 - and will have the game ready for the 360 before the PS3 version. They are still having issues with it, right? And ... add to the fact that MS knows that BS1 was huge - and they are banking on that - plus a $199 price point. They will gladly spit $$$$ to struggling 2K Games. I tell you, they know they can make money off the 360 version and work during the timed exclusive on a better-looking PS3 version. They did it in the past with Sony - now it's MS's turn.

timed exclusivity would kill sales for the PS3 version. If they do that they can expect >500,000 sales. If they're released together I'd say over 1.5 million easy

Nah, I think it will be a same day release. PS3 gamers didn't want to pay 60 bucks for a game they could get for 30 bucks on 360/PC. If it had released at budget price, it would have sold a lot better. If it was a same day release, it would have sold a lot better.

I think BioShock taught them that timed exclusives are pointless, so I'm going to say same day release.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Bioshock appeared around 12 months later on PS3 after being launched on X360/PC. Maybe Bioshock 2 will repeat this trend. Timed exclusivity on XBox 360 is a possibility for Bioshock 2.

Yay! Fanboywars ammo!

Bioshock 2 - xbox 360 exclusive 2009! Spread the word!

Seriously though, I just want the damn game to come out! IDC what system it's on, it's the best new series i have played this gen!

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