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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - "Bioshock 2 possibly a timed exclusive?"

The 360 version is STILL outselling the PS3 version? Did I read that correctly?

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hotrodx said:
There's the psychological nature of Microsoft "buying off" exclusives (I'll be using the term loosely): by buying exclusivity from publishers, it gives PS3 owners the feeling that the publishers are treating the PS3 as "second rate" or have abandoned them.

There's also the economic one: in these trying times, it's easier to buy off exclusives than maintain studios creating one. There are lull times between projects, as well as long conceptual pre-production-- you have to maintain the development team during these times. Some have considered Hollywood-style per project contracts on the devs. But still, if a company has money (like Microsoft), they can look at currently developed projects and pick one they think will be a hit (or supports their marketing strategy).

Hotrod, it shouldn't make PS3 owners feel second-rate at all. The problem is Sony. The company said they wouldn't pay for exclusives, and made the console's architecture so bloody hard to design for. Based on that, and the economic crisis, I do think T2 will take the money and run. Sure, they'll get fewer sales on the PS3 version, but they will get instant $$$ and MS sales. They know it will sell on the 360. It's still iffy on the PS3 - and right now, they want cash upfront.

Blame Sony for saying they don't pay for exclusives.