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Forums - Sales Discussion - Take-Two Reports PS3 Biggest Revenue Generator

Max King of the Wild said:
koffieboon said:
Max King of the Wild said:
joshin69 said:
How about GTA4 in japan? anyway a hell of a lot of assumption going on.


 DING DING DING! GTA4 sold 500k copies(Ps3) last quarter. I'm sure it shipped 600-700k. Compared to 300k copies (360) which I'm sure only shipped 350-400k. A lot more difference than what bioshock would have made


 GTA4 is published by Capcom in Japan


 You don't think the owners of the game get any of that money?

I'm sure they do, but it shouldn't have any impact on the "Publishing revenue platform mix". So I don't see how it could explain PS3 being above 360 for the last quarter.


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You can argue however you want but the fact is that Take Two and EA has sold more games on PS3 last quarter than any other platforms and have lost money. I think it's safe to assume that it isn't a really good business model.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


The end result is they lost money and their share prices fell 25% in one day. Their business model is broken and investors have no confidence in them.

When the CEO says that they can't afford to ignore the Wii anymore, it means even they recognize they have bet on the wrong pony.

You can bet some of that money was from shipping the PS3 version of Bioshock to stores where it then bombed horribly. I think that next year the PS3's poor software sales are going to catch up with it and stores won't be as willing to take as much PS3 product only to be stuck with it.

Legend11 said:
You can bet some of that money was from shipping the PS3 version of Bioshock to stores where it then bombed horribly. I think that next year the PS3's poor software sales are going to catch up with it and stores won't be as willing to take as much PS3 product only to be stuck with it.


 that seems kinda trollish... I mean I have been in many stores where they have an overload of 360 games(one store I saw overordered banjo)

I really doupt a few Bioshocks on the shelves have too much affect on anything.

I bet it has more to do with the PS3 selling games better in Europe, with the stronger Euro it is more profitable to sell games there... like, if the exchange rate is 1.50       T2 would make just as much money selling 1 million in Europe, and they would 1.5 mil in NA. It wasnt until Holiday season that the 360 started doing better than the PS3 there... but that would not be in these fiscals.

End of 2009 Predictions (Set, January 1st 2009)

Wii- 72 million   3rd Year Peak, better slate of releases

360- 37 million   Should trend down slightly after 3rd year peak

PS3- 29 million  Sales should pick up next year, 3rd year peak and price cut

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SpartanFX said:

@million^^lol,,,we don't know what they have for PS3 owners,,,,sony made an exclusive deal with them but no one knows what it is yet.


I thought it was that upcoming Red Dead Revolver game or something like that??? Meh, we'll see what it is eventually.

4 ≈ One

The reason PS3 revenue is higher is because they just released the PS3 version of Bioshock. Even though it didn't sell well at retail, shipped means sold to them.

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 — Pat Buchanan – A Republic, Not an Empire

DarkNight_DS said:
--OkeyDokey-- said:
DarkNight_DS said:
@SpartanFX: I didn't disagree but if you don't make profit off what you are doing. What's the point? If the PS3 is their biggest revenue generator and it's where most of their games were bought for. This means the PS3 was also the biggest reason they lost money.

Um... how can PS3 be both the biggest generator of revenue and the biggest contributor to their losses? For that to make sense, they'd have to be losing money on each game they sold :S

Exactly what's happened.  Games don't turn a profit until X amount are sold.  They lost money off each game sold as they never met the magic sales number.



i couldnt read anymore after this. OKAY, think about what youre saying...if youre LOSING money on each game sold your increasing your losses with each "widget" you sell. In your scenerio, youre so hell bent on going against the grain to prove this is a potential "bad" thing for the PS3 youve flawed your entire argument.

While making a game the company begins at a loss, through royalties and sales they MAKE money on every game, true is the fact they start off at a loss and then must sell X games to turn profit, not true is you making up a false reality where a company LOSES money on each game sold...its not hardware, once the game is made the company makes money on the game...and once it crosses the threshold of development costs it creates a profit.

So, to sit here and argue that a 7% higher REVENUE margin somehow points to any likelyhood of creating more LOSSES without having ANY EVIDENCE about dev cost differences between the 360 and PS3 for T2....youre, ahem, awfully foolish.

Tyrannical said:
The reason PS3 revenue is higher is because they just released the PS3 version of Bioshock. Even though it didn't sell well at retail, shipped means sold to them.


 No, no it isn't. Bioshock released at the end of the quarter and I don't think they would have shipped a significant amount considering its a year old port... actually I know they wouldnt do that.

Acevil said:
outlawauron said:
DarkNight_DS said:
outlawauron said:
DarkNight_DS said:
Revenue means nothing if there is no profit to go with it. Who's to say if the PS3 games were profitable or not. It'd have been nice if T2 included that info with their financials. Then we'd have something to discuss!

Well, 35% of 1.5 billion is more than enough to cover all the expenses of GTA 4 and NBA 2K9 as they were the only big games released during this financial.

I wish that made sense but it doesn't.


That the PS3 brought 35% of their 1.5 billion revenue.


I'm saying that, 35% of that 1.5 billion is more than enough to cover the costs of the games released and thus the PS3 being profitable for Take-Two this quarter.


That is incorrect, no where does it say the ps3 brought 35% of their 1.5billion revenue. Next time read what it says before basing that assumption.

Damnit people pointed this out already.


It does in the OP! They had 1.5 billion in revenue for the quarter, and they said that the PS3 generated 35% of the revenue for the quarter.

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