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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Dragon Quest X officially announced for Wii

BengaBenga said:
Khuutra said:
What in the Hell is "HD penis envy"?


It's awesome: If normally your penis is 480 pixeld long, all of a sudden it will be 720 or (if you're lucky, doesn't happy very often) 1080 pixels long!

But of course you got to have teh HD! 

It doesn't matter I play on a 30" set anyway


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What part of your comments seemed like a good idea?

Are we supposed to pretend that the point of your posts wasn't to take a swipe at Wii owners in regards to 3rd party support? Sorry but my imagination isn't quite that good. 

Drop the bitter comments or find the thread exit and use it. Your choice.


Don't reply to trolls, just report them and ignore them.

To Each Man, Responsibility


I own a wii.....why would I be envious of one.

All its doing is collecting dust in the living room....this is a very positive announcement as it has a great game coming.

But if you actually read Legend's post & what he is replying to you can see some of his points do shine out well.

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

Japanese gamers don't care about HD. Actually, they never cared about graphics.

How many cups of darkness have I drank over the years? Even I don't know...


scottie said:
Massive news.

I've never played a DQ game before actually, will I understand X without playing i through ix?


Dragon Quest is like Final Fantasy. It has it's own unique story to each specific game.

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@Sqrl: Thank you, I will now in the future. I'm new and already in a heated discussion, sorry.

Put aside the flames that already rising, folks. Legend is correct that this shift we're seeing is almost entirely a Japanese phenomenon. There are 2 big, legacy AAA third party games on the Wii now -- MH3 and DQX -- and both are very Japanese oriented, and the Wii continues to struggle with legacy AAA western third party games.

DQX is the final straw where I can say, "the Wii has Japanese third party support locked up." You can also point out that the Wii continues to make progress: first, before the generation began, the system wasn't going to sell. Then, the system was selling, but games weren't. Then, games were selling, but only first party games. Then third party games were selling, but only casual games. Now, we're at a point where the Wii hardware is selling, first party games are selling, third party casual software is selling, and Japanese third party hardcore titles look to be on the upward slope, but Western third party hardcore titles still aren't there.

It sounds absurd when you put it that way, doesn't it? The complaints have been reduced to "The Wii isn't selling blockbuster, third party, hardcore, Western software!" Look at how many modifiers I have to put on that -- the goal posts keep getting narrower as the Wii continues to sell. However, it just so happens that this forum we are talking on right now is 1) Hardcore and 2) Western, so the fact hardcore western games are the only group still not on the Wii is actually a pretty big deal to this specific group of people. For someone like Legend, I know it's a big deal, because he clearly favors games that fall in to that category.">">

--OkeyDokey-- said:
stof said:
Hey Okey, Can you believe people used to argue that the Wii would eventually see a shift in third party support?


Yeah, I bet those doubters are looking pretty red-faced right now...


      One expected game from one developer that already said that they were going to support each console this generation doesn't indicate a shift in third party support across the entire industry.  Now, if they follow this up with the announcement of Kingdom Hearts for the Wii maybe it does indicate a shift on the part of Japanese third party developers; however, if Kingdom Hearts 3 is still announced to be coming to the PS3 this really doesn't mean much except in Japan.  Sony said in the last couple of days that they have five rpgs in development for the PS3.

     But even if the PS3 is put out to pasture, this still doesn't indicate anything about what Western developers intend to do.  And I predict without Sony Western developers would just shift to 360 exclusives for the types of games that are on both the PS3 and 360 now and they would continue to support the Wii in the fashion that they have been so far this gen.

Heavens to Murgatoids.

Bodhesatva said:

Put aside the flames that already rising, folks. Legend is correct that this shift we're seeing is almost entirely a Japanese phenomenon. There are 2 big, legacy AAA third party games on the Wii now -- MH3 and DQX -- and both are very Japanese oriented, and the Wii continues to struggle with legacy AAA western third party games.

DQX is the final straw where I can say, "the Wii has Japanese third party support locked up." You can also point out that the Wii continues to make progress: first, before the generation began, the system wasn't going to sell. Then, the system was selling, but games weren't. Then, games were selling, but only first party games. Then third party games were selling, but only casual games. Now, we're at a point where the Wii hardware is selling, first party games are selling, third party casual software is selling, and Japanese third party hardcore titles look to be on the upward slope, but Western third party hardcore titles still aren't there.

It sounds absurd when you put it that way, doesn't it? The complaints have been reduced to "The Wii isn't selling blockbuster, third party, hardcore, Western software!" Look at how many modifiers I have to put on that -- the goal posts keep getting narrower as the Wii continues to sell. However, it just so happens that this forum we are talking on right now is 1) Hardcore and 2) Western, so the fact hardcore western games are the only group still not on the Wii is actually a pretty big deal to this specific group of people. For someone like Legend, I know it's a big deal, because he clearly favors games that fall in to that category.

Bod, what were the biggest Western games on the PS2? I'm not being a smart-ass, the question just occurred to me.

Well, Western games that weren't GTA. That's a given.

Sqrl said:


What part of your comments seemed like a good idea?

Are we supposed to pretend that the point of your posts wasn't to take a swipe at Wii owners in regards to 3rd party support? Sorry but my imagination isn't quite that good. 

Drop the bitter comments or find the thread exit and use it. Your choice.


Don't reply to trolls, just report them and ignore them.


 Sorry what?  Is he trolling?