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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo has the brightest future due to wii HD

arsenicazure said:
hey nintendo.. heres wht nintendo shd fix:

-graphics: atleast 720p even though next gen will prolly be at 1080-1440p
-sound: a lil more than stereo sound..
-internet: its been around since '95... jezus..implement it in a good way already
-M titles: coz kids shdnt be ur only target market.

there... now if they fix all that.. nintendo will be competing with the most innovative companies... until then its still gonna be a console that would be cutting edge in '98 sans the motion feature

People like you make forums annoying. M games dont mean a damn thing.
Ha! Nintendo so far is the most innovative and Sony/M$ or competing with them. Anyways youre pretty much flaming here so I'll stop

OT: Next Wii well do no more than 1080p. So alot of devs will already no how to work with those kind of graphics and engines and all that. So Wii 2 will get support. I doubt the next PS/Xbox will have such huge graphical leaps.


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De85 said:

I also think that there's little chance that a Wii HD will sell as well as the Wii did, because I doubt the majority of the "blue ocean" people will feel a need to upgrade.  The "grahics whores" who are willing to pay for such things, are on 360 and PS3.


I dont't think so. The graphics whores are mostly on the pc. Because there are the real impressive graphics. And most PC-Gamer don't like gamepads. A lot of PC-Gamer bought already a Wii, because this is the first console who has easy and precise controls. A Wii-HD would get all gamer.

Valkyria00 said:
arsenicazure said:
hey nintendo.. heres wht nintendo shd fix:

-graphics: atleast 720p even though next gen will prolly be at 1080-1440p
-sound: a lil more than stereo sound..
-internet: its been around since '95... jezus..implement it in a good way already
-M titles: coz kids shdnt be ur only target market.

there... now if they fix all that.. nintendo will be competing with the most innovative companies... until then its still gonna be a console that would be cutting edge in '98 sans the motion feature

People like you make forums annoying. M games dont mean a damn thing.
Ha! Nintendo so far is the most innovative and Sony/M$ or competing with them. Anyways youre pretty much flaming here so I'll stop

OT: Next Wii well do no more than 1080p. So alot of devs will already no how to work with those kind of graphics and engines and all that. So Wii 2 will get support. I doubt the next PS/Xbox will have such huge graphical leaps.


yup.. and people like you dont have a point to backup your theory.. you "doubt that xbox/ps will have huge graphical leaps".. enlighten me with the facts...

My argument is not based on graphics alone. To merely suggest that people will jump onto the next wii just because it is HD is ludicrous. SONY and m$ will probably support motion controls too.

OT: Next Wii well do no more than 1080p.

again, M$ didnt expect 1080p to kick off as it has in 2005 when the 360 launched. 1080p will not be the only resolution(s) TV support 4 yrs from now.

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

@arsenicazure: Sega have tried to increase the number of new IP:s, but if i recall, not by many. Nintendo have put out many new IP:s in the last few years. So i think you had pretty bad example.

Nintendos games aren't targeted for kids, they are games that suit for kids too. Just because sudokus are suitable for kids, doesn't mean they are targeted at kids.

As for the next M$ and Sony consoles, they propably aren't going to make huge graphical leaps. Biggest improvements will propably be 1080p native output with decent quality and more RAM/VRAM.
They also want to profit from their consoles and i believe that atleast Wii has showed that it's not the horsepower that leads to victory.

Above 1080 resolution is unlikely due to people still changing their TV:s to 720/1080 TV:s. Reasons for getting a new TV, vary from the TV being a decorational object (flat screen seemingly fits better), change to digital channels (basically all flat screeners have digital recivers) and there's not much other type of TV:s in the market anymore. Of course, some get their TV:s for better picture quality.
Now, people keep on buying their 720/1080 TV:s because they are becoming cheaper. Also, people don't just decide to buy a new TV when their old one is still new and working. Content for resolutions above 1080 is hard to find, the TV stations aren't going to invest millions to switch to higher resolutions, when they just have invested millions for 720/1080 capable equipment and on top of that, they may run into bandwidth issues in higher resolution broadcasts.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

i agree releasing an HD console after everyone else has the advantage of cost behind it because then devs. with have a better handle on making games rght out of the box for it especially if sony and M$ go the route of adding more power again.

"Like you know"

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I agree with you to a certain extent but there is this little thing called HVD and it can hold over a terabyte of data, blu ray quad layer holds around 200GB approx. Technology can evolve in any way. JPN currently has 1Gbps Internet lines and has had HD for over 10 years now. Consoles can support higher resolutions, people will just need to connect them to their computer monitors if they want.

Here is a list of NEW sega IP's ( developed or published)

-valkyria chronicles
-super monkey ball
-rub rabbits
-superstar tennis
-the club
-universe at war
-ghost squad

im sure i missed a lot.. but these are pretty diverse. Barring the quality of these titles, you have to admit there is a lot of effort being put by sega to develop new IP's

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business

Madworld, conduit, bayonetta

Even if Sega is the publisher the titles above are not sega owned IP. Please use IPs that are actually owned by sega next time.


That is like me saying Nintendo is improving new ips, by listing A.S.H. as a nintendo game. When clearly it is a mistwalker game published by nintendo.


@arsenicazure: There was few i didn't recall. But, we should count only IP:s that Sega owns (BTW, Rub Rabbits isn't new IP, try Project Rub instead).

Anyway, i was talking about airing the channels, since people still use their TV mostly to watch TV.
Problem with bandwidth, i believe, is biggest with OTA broadcasts.
Instances that sell and produce the tech, gladly push the tech forward, but i was thinking about the content providers, who aren't so happy with new tech, since switching to new tech requires huge investments.
Anything can happen, but i see it unlikely that people would be buying higher resolution and more expensive TV sets, when the current HD sets offer a "big" improvement for HD content (where available) for cheaper price than the higher resolution TV:s. So i don't think they are common in the next 5-10 years and the console manufacturers want to make money. So it's much better to invest in improving what you already have, than start to push something that have little to none real benefit. Also notice, that i'm talking about consoles that are 2-4 times PS3:s performance.

Hooking the console to a monitor somehow misses the whole point of higher resolution. The idea is to be able to see the content from a bigger screen, with the same or bigger quality.

Ei Kiinasti.

Eikä Japanisti.

Vaan pannaan jalalla koreasti.


Nintendo games sell only on Nintendo system.

There almost certainly won't be a "Wii HD", or even a "Wii 2". Nintendo has wised up on the pitfalls of releasing a direct successor to a disruptive console since the SNES managed to barely hold its own against the Genesis. To revert to that strategy would spell disaster for Nintendo, since Sony and Microsoft would leap on them like ravenous wolves and tear Nintendo apart by totally outclassing whatever direct Wii successor came out.

The only reason they have not tried to bring Nintendo to its knees with a Wii-alike is the simple fact that they would be investing in hardware that would be quite likely to not sell at this point, given that the current hardware cycle is still so young. And that limitation will not be upon them in another 3 or 4 years when people are "expecting" another cycle of consoles to begin, this time in the same vein as the Wii's control setup.

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

agreed. but nintendo didnt pick up "the conduit" when it needed a publisher..

remember the time when MK on the SNES had green blood coz nintendo thought it was too "gory" for the audience's taste?

I think nintendo have restricted their console(s) in a lot of ways, and it could have been enjoyed so much more.. for eg i would love to play wii tennis online against a frnd rather than just the same room

oh well wii HD.. or x360 waggle.. you shall be my saviour

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.

owner of : atari 2600, commodore 64, NES,gameboy,atari lynx, genesis, saturn,neogeo,DC,PS2,GC,X360, Wii

5 THINGS I'd like to see before i knock out:

a. a AAA 3D sonic title

b. a nintendo developed game that has a "M rating"

c. redesgined PS controller

d. SEGA back in the console business

e. M$ out of the OS business