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Forums - Sales Discussion - Why everyone thinks Killzone 2 will be huge?

The Anarchyz said:
PS3 has a huge difference with the Gamecube:


-GC had a good 1st/2nd party (although not better than the 64 days) and low 3rd party because almost all good 3rd party was with the sales winning console

-PS3 has a good 1st/2nd party and a good 3rd party, and the winning console is not getting the good 3rd party yet...


GC was in 3rd place with 21.74 million LTD, and the console was cheap, PS3 may be 2nd or 3rd, but it's been 2 years and the console is already 16 million, and the console started expensive as hell and remains as the most expensive console of the 3...

So don't compare it to the Gamecube, the PS3 thing is that it's not following PS2 steps...


 Haha, what a load of useless air. I'm talking about how the fanboys react to the failure ... both consoles are failures, and the fanboys are reacting the same way. Just wait for whatever hyped game comes out next, they say(and said). And when it comes out, nothing changes.

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I was very skeptical about Killzone 2, simply due to the developer. Guerrilla's previous FPSs have been either mediocre (Killzone) or outright bad (ShellShock: Nam '67). For me, the most reliable indicator of an uncoming game's quality is the quality of the developer's past games.

However, the beta reports have been absolutely glowing. This isn't just from Sony fanboys, either; relatively unbiased beta testers have been blown away by the beta. I still expect the final release to have some minor flaws, but it sounds like this time Guerrilla will actually succeed in delivering a top-quality game.

ZenfoldorVGI said:


To be completely honest with you here, lol, the 360 games sold millions of units in 48 hours, and the PS3 games sold so poorly, the PS3 fans flamed the site because they assumed they were under-tracked.

That's not fanboyism, that's simply what happened.

I've heard a few explainations.

The most likely is the lower userbase of the PS3 in America, a very front-loaded gaming territory who loves FPS.

Also, another great explaination is that PS3 owners like shooters less than 360 owners.

Finally, 360 owners like to buy more software than PS3 owners for whatever reason. The most common explaination for that is the 360 is a more "core" console for nerds and manchildren. I might contend that a lot of people bought PS3's for the Blu-Ray feature, but that'd draw a flame or two.

Anyway, yes big shooters can sell well even in the fact of mega competition.

If any of those explainations I've mentioned are true, then yes, they will also apply to KZ2.

Couple of things:

1. The FPS country is America, and the PS3 has a very small piece of the pie here.

2. Microsoft is putting a Halo game up against KZ2's launch. The game has the word Halo in it, it's on the 360, it's competition to anything.

3. PS3 owners don't like shooters as much as 360 owners. Yes that's a generalization, but it's a good assumption, seeing as how the majority of PS3 owners would be from Others and Japan, and not America.


So, it's either stick with those explainations, which were all lain before me and reinforced in the face of R2 sales.

....or admit that R2 just didn't sell well because it's R2, and had it been KZ2, it would have sold very well and had a higher attach rate.


A very good point, but HALO as a RTS still has to be proven to be as big a hit as HALO the shooter imo

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

I saw it being played at E3. To me it just striked me as a generic shooter. It didn't have any of the advancements made in the genre from COD4 or Crysis etc..

The thing is since LBP and Resistance 2 this is now the game getting hyped. There always has to be a game getting hyped doesnt there? The ironic thing is from E3 2007 to even E3 2008 nobody really talked about it. Sony didn't even use the game in their own press conference, it sort of died down.

But here we go again. Another game being billed as the next greatest thing.

dolemit3 said:

The last game that took many years to develop was Too Human. Not good.


Just so that you know it, very many games take years to develop. The Mario, Zelda and Metroid games all take a long time to develop (I'm using Nintendo as those are the ones I personally know the most about). Heck, even the Conduit is going to come close to 2 years in development.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

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clerk said:
It was the same with the Nintendo fanboys during the GC era. "Just wait for gameX! Then you'll see!". It's just desperate hopes of desperate fanboys.


Yep, the "IT WILL BE HUGE" propaganda is strong on this forum but except for MGS4, which did a good score, it never happens.

So,  I honestly don't know why it fails everytime compared to other plateforms. Eventually, statistics would help SONY making at least one convincing blockbuster with the right deserved sales figures.

... but it keeps failing so I don't know ....


KZ2, has a strong hype-effect since the beginning, so... if the game is good (and not just a COD4 in space with a couple of extra), then it might work. I enjoyed the first one, not because it was a good game (it was very very average..) but because the story element and artists contribution was great.


Lets see ... but I don't trust the "IWBH" effect... facts and figures only.... I thinkg GT5 has more chance ...


Evan Wells (Uncharted 2): I think the differences that you see between any two games has much more to do with the developer than whether it’s on the Xbox or PS3.

so much haters here


so far, the preview are very strong, the game is as hyped as MGS4 and recession is close to a non event in videogaming (see WiiPS360 sales).

Also, I agree, february is after holidays season, PS3 is expensive, Sony may not do a lot of advertising BUT I very doubt the game will not sell 2M in fews weeks.

(we are not talking the crappy Toohuman/Haze, the "special" LBP with a failed launch or the R2 shooter facing the over heavy Gears of WAR 2)

Time to Work !

off topic: did the shift to "it will be huge" happen to keep from placing numbers on games even fans are unsure of how they will sell? or has it become a generic battle cry so that you can make vague statements like politicians and never be wrong, shifting what it means by how things turn out. basically adding no value to the conversation while allowing to take credit or distance ones self as things pan out

On topic.... the decision to push R2 during the holiday period, and K2 after that period speaks to me in how sony trusts the two, of sony had more faith in K2 it would have had the holiday period and R2 would have come out latter. however after saying all of this, with the isolation it faces, it may boost sales

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

goddog said:
off topic: did the shift to "it will be huge" happen to keep from placing numbers on games even fans are unsure of how they will sell? or has it become a generic battle cry so that you can make vague statements like politicians and never be wrong, shifting what it means by how things turn out. basically adding no value to the conversation while allowing to take credit or distance ones self as things pan out

On topic.... the decision to push R2 during the holiday period, and K2 after that period speaks to me in how sony trusts the two, of sony had more faith in K2 it would have had the holiday period and R2 would have come out latter. however after saying all of this, with the isolation it faces, it may boost sales

Insomniac are independent, and KZ 2 needs more time to be polished anyway. If insomniac spent more time on R2 then that might delay the next Ratchet as well

Killzon 2 will sell well but not very special. Rufly 2.5 mill ww lifetime. 3 mill at best (if bundled and stuff).

Rufly 90% on Gamerankings.

Can someone link to a clip that shows those amazing grafix BTW? Gameplay that shows how supposedly superb grafix it has. So far I have seen none really.