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I bet they used the Cell to power the Death Star.
Hear that? The Cell can destroy entire planets! And replace them with Little Big Planets!

PC may have better hardware, but I still prefer console gaming.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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Too little RAM. For games, it's a console, the games use the HW available, that's all. But to use it as a PC, while CPU and GPU are more than enough, RAM isn't.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Kantor said:
I bet they used the Cell to power the Death Star.
Hear that? The Cell can destroy entire planets! And replace them with Little Big Planets!

PC may have better hardware, but I still prefer console gaming.


This is the best post this entire thread, I agree with everything in this post.

The Cell processor is not a magical chip that somehow breaks the laws of physics ...

It is similar in performance to other CPUs that were released at a similar point in time at a similar manufacturing cost. The architecture of the Cell gives it different advantages and disadvantages but it doesn't mean that the CPU is more powerful, only more powerful at some things. Being that the Cell processor is designed for asynchronous processing and the algorithms involved in gaming are not currently very asynchronous, the Cell processor does not offer many advantages when it comes to videogames ...


yah like Fallout 3 .. the best version is the PS3 one ... !!!??? WTF.

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Of course it can't compare to a maxed out gaming rig especially considering PC's are constantly becoming more powerful while the ps3 stays at it's initial specs.



No console could ever beat a PC.


Ever since SONY announced the PS3,they have been talking its hardware.But does it stand a chance against the modern day PCs?




The power of the cell??

Not being able to handle 360 ports = FAIL!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)



Ever since SONY announced the PS3,they have been talking its hardware.But does it stand a chance against the modern day PCs.I am not comparing 360 and Wii with the PC because we all know which console has the best hardware,please no fanboys.Hey why else would sony price their console so high and they have spent about $ 3 billion on its research.Coming back to the topic.Keeping in mind the fact that PCs are upgradable and PS3s are not except the HDD.If we look at the processor PS3 has a very advanced cell processor which 8 separate cores working at 3.2 GHZ and the PCs are using the 4 cores that also they have just been launched by INTEL and AMD this year.PS3 came in 2006 with 8 cores and PCs till now are on 4 cores,they will take another 4 to 5 years to get to 8 cores and by then the PS4 would have launched.Looking at the graphic cards,PS3 has a 256mb RSX and PC's have reached 512 mb.Last coming to Ram,THE PS3 has two rams both are 256mb and PCs have reached 4gb of ram.There are other aspect that come into the performance of each platform while gaming but these factors are the main.

From the other factors PCs are clearly ahead of the PS3 and graphically better games can be created on PC.But the power of the Cell processor is unknown till now and RSX having less power can generate very high graphics.Mo wonder IBM used the cell processor in their supercomputer which the most powerful computer in the world.

And hardware is not the only thing that can make better games graphically and overall,its also upto the developer.Most of developers these days bring out a new edition of the game every year to make profits but leave us with a game with very few changes.If you look at the Gran Turismo,Killzone and MGS series,they don't come every year.Their developers work for atleast 3-4 years before putting the next installment of games,this way they bring major differences to their games.If you have played Gran Turismo 4,you will see that they have graphics of this generation on a last generation console.Crysis is supposed to be the best graphical game which has very high system requirements.People say that the PS3 hardware is not capable of running a game that good and can't support the framerate it needs.But there also exclusive PS3 developers of games as KILLZONE 2,GRAN TURISMO 5,HEAVY RAIN AND MGS4 which are capable creating better games than Crysis on PS3.Problems such as framrate can be solved easily.PS3 might not be more advanced than PCs but it has the power of creating much better games with low power,saying this at the time when the power of Cell Processors has not been exposed.

People say that there is no difference between the graphics of PS3,PC and 360.That's because the OS3 is very high priced and not many people have.Due to this all the big publishers make games for multi-platforms to generate revenue and cause other platforms don't have the power to support PS3s games,games are first made on 360 or PC and then the same version is ported to PS3.The full power of the PS3 will be exposed when more people have PS3s and developers start to concentrate and make the PS3 games first then port it to other platforms


I felt like this should be outlined for everyone to point and laugh at. Have you even played Crysis?

I will break it down to you as why the PC is better. Think of every single argument and fanboysih irk against the wii. Now every single one of those can be applied to the PS3 from a PC gamer standpoint.


Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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