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The Anarchyz said:
Onyxmeth said:
The Anarchyz said:
Again, someone build a PC with $400 that outperforms the PS3, that's the only fair comparison, I know it can be done but i'm curious of the combinations, i won't do it because my gaming rig cost wayyyyy more (too much power there)...

That's not a fair comparison. A $400 PC needs to be built. If it's built that means you are buying the parts at a premium. They aren't being sold to you at a loss. The PS3 is sold at a loss until we are told otherwise.



Fair enough... let's say the price is $500 to $600, What combination of Motherboard, Processor, RAM, Video Card, Sound Card, Blu-Ray player and Hard Drive (With a legal version of Windows), outperforms the PS3... I'm checking the combinations i can do, because it's interesting to do that with a limited budget...

I'm not good with the specifics. I can't build a computer to save my life. I just noticed that the comparisons didn't match up and wanted to point that out. There may not be a comparable PC that can be built for $400 but I feel thats only because Sony is taking the losses while the PC parts manufacturers will do no such thing.

@Samuel-Whatever point you're trying to make with R&D costs has nothing to do with my logic. Everybody has R&D costs. PC makers, console makers, frankly makers of any electronics.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

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Paul_Warren said:

"There have been developers entirely devoted to the cell processor for nearly 4 years and it hasn't really broken away from the performance of the XBox 360 or a 3 year old PC. Its about time that you admit that the Cell is not a magical, law of physics breaking, processor and it is very similar in performace to the other processors. Certainly, there will be improvements over time as developers work with it, but it isn't a cutting edge gaming system anymore and it never will be again."

I know its all about the games. And the 360 isn't a cutting edge gaming system anymore because after Gears 2 it is basically done. With Microsoft set to debut their new console at the 2009 GDC. They will be shifting their development dollers predominantly over to their new console as well so during the majority of 2009 and leading up to the launch of the next xbox in the fall of 2010, we will also be seeing far fewer cutting edge games making their way to the 360 with Star Ocean, if it can remain an exclusive, being the last one.

However, much as the PS2 did, the PS3 will continue to have most of the best games on the market  developed for it, and by Christmas 2010 it will take away the majority of the current gen console marketshare from Nintendo's Wii as the shortcomings of the Wii will become more and more noticable over time.  Compared to the Wii, the PS3 will always be a cutting edge gaming machine and as the market sees more and more of what the PS3 can bring to its games which the Wii can't due to storage constraints and last gen graphic tech more and more people will become interested in purchasing the PS3.

     The PS3 will continue its dominance through 2011 much as the PS2 did through its lifespan with a drastically superior game library and a much cheaper price than the Next Box which will probably come out with a $700 to $900 price tag in November of 2010; and the PS3 will reign right up until the time Sony replaces the PS3 with the PS4 in 2012, and then the cycle will begin again.










Did you fall on your head one time too many?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Onyxmeth said:

@Samuel-Whatever point you're trying to make with R&D costs has nothing to do with my logic. Everybody has R&D costs. PC makers, console makers, frankly makers of any electronics.



 Actually, the point I was trying to make was with the cost of the OS. The R&D point was seperate, I see now that it wasn't so obvious.


Keeping in mind the fact that PCs are upgradable and PS3s are not except the HDD.


But why do you want upgrade on of the most powerfull home multimedia system ???

Final Fantasy huge... watch my collection


Oh... Final Fantasy huge only on SONY system !


mamboula said:

Keeping in mind the fact that PCs are upgradable and PS3s are not except the HDD.


But why do you want upgrade on of the most powerfull home multimedia system ???


Because it isn't the most powerful?

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


Around the Network
mamboula said:

Keeping in mind the fact that PCs are upgradable and PS3s are not except the HDD.


But why do you want upgrade on of the most powerfull home multimedia system ???


Because upgrading my computer is relatively cheap and easy?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Paul_Warren said:

"There have been developers entirely devoted to the cell processor for nearly 4 years and it hasn't really broken away from the performance of the XBox 360 or a 3 year old PC. Its about time that you admit that the Cell is not a magical, law of physics breaking, processor and it is very similar in performace to the other processors. Certainly, there will be improvements over time as developers work with it, but it isn't a cutting edge gaming system anymore and it never will be again."

I know its all about the games. And the 360 isn't a cutting edge gaming system anymore because after Gears 2 it is basically done. With Microsoft set to debut their new console at the 2009 GDC. They will be shifting their development dollers predominantly over to their new console as well so during the majority of 2009 and leading up to the launch of the next xbox in the fall of 2010, we will also be seeing far fewer cutting edge games making their way to the 360 with Star Ocean, if it can remain an exclusive, being the last one.

However, much as the PS2 did, the PS3 will continue to have most of the best games on the market developed for it, and by Christmas 2010 it will take away the majority of the current gen console marketshare from Nintendo's Wii as the shortcomings of the Wii will become more and more noticable over time. Compared to the Wii, the PS3 will always be a cutting edge gaming machine and as the market sees more and more of what the PS3 can bring to its games which the Wii can't due to storage constraints and last gen graphic tech more and more people will become interested in purchasing the PS3.


The PS3 will continue its dominance through 2011 much as the PS2 did through its lifespan with a drastically superior game library and a much cheaper price than the Next Box which will probably come out with a $700 to $900 price tag in November of 2010; and the PS3 will reign right up until the time Sony replaces the PS3 with the PS4 in 2012, and then the cycle will begin again.


Most of your reply has absolutely nothing to do with this thread or my post you were replying to ...

I would have hoped that PS3 fans would be willing to finally accept reality and realize that the idea of the PS3’s dominance being delayed was a foolish delusion to grasp onto. The HD consoles will continue to dominate in a few genres and become more attractive niche products but the kinds of products that need to be developed by third party publishers to make these systems more attractive (to people who are not interested in them) are not being produced for these platforms.

Why would anyone compare the graphics of the PS3 to a PC? It would be like me saying that the Conduit will look better than anything on the PS3. I think that is a reasonable comparison.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

amp316 said:
Why would anyone compare the graphics of the PS3 to a PC? It would be like me saying that the Conduit will look better than anything on the PS3. I think that is a reasonable comparison.


If we're talking about maximum potential high-end PCs, it's more like saying the SNES is more powerful than the PS360.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


I'm fighting through a strange combination of amusement and bewilderment while reading through this thread.

The PS3 would have trouble keeping up with a mid-range gaming PC. It's ludicrous to think otherwise. The bloody thing has 256 megs of RAM, for crying out loud.

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