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Forums - Sony Discussion - NEW KILLZONE 2 trailer : BEST GRAPHICS EVER confirmed

I don't think you are getting the problem. No matter what happens those textures will have to be retrieved from the disk, and that is an extremely slow process. The only way to get through this is to outright put all the textures on the console (40 gig install per game WHOOOOO!!!), or they move all those textures on your HDD temporarily during the loading screens (20 minute loading screens WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!). There only other way is for the developers to design the levels in such a way that they can buffer textures as you are playing, but the transfer will slow down the game too forcing the devs to lower the textures so there is no slowdown. There is no way around this bottleneck.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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vlad321 said:
I don't think you are getting the problem. No matter what happens those textures will have to be retrieved from the disk, and that is an extremely slow process. The only way to get through this is to outright put all the textures on the console (40 gig install per game WHOOOOO!!!), or they move all those textures on your HDD temporarily during the loading screens (20 minute loading screens WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!). There only other way is for the developers to design the levels in such a way that they can buffer textures as you are playing, but the transfer will slow down the game too forcing the devs to lower the textures so there is no slowdown. There is no way around this bottleneck.


I agree like i said in my last post, but for a chosen few epic games that so called "Install" might happen somewere down the ling. maybe with dark cloud or SotC sequel, im just saying somewere down the line its gonna happen regardless.

Now if you were to ask me "exactly" when? i have no clue, just saying im one of the many who called it. n_n

I got to play it a little at TGS this year. It's definitely a game of good quality.

"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."  --Hermann Goering, leading Nazi party member, at the Nuremberg War Crime Trials 


Conservatives:  Pushing for a small enough government to be a guest in your living room, or even better - your uterus.


vlad321 said:
I don't think you are getting the problem. No matter what happens those textures will have to be retrieved from the disk, and that is an extremely slow process. The only way to get through this is to outright put all the textures on the console (40 gig install per game WHOOOOO!!!), or they move all those textures on your HDD temporarily during the loading screens (20 minute loading screens WHOOOOOOO!!!!!!). There only other way is for the developers to design the levels in such a way that they can buffer textures as you are playing, but the transfer will slow down the game too forcing the devs to lower the textures so there is no slowdown. There is no way around this bottleneck.


Have you played Uncharted?  Best textures of any ps3 game yet, and it has no install and no visibile loading whatsoever.

*Except for maybe KZ2, but that's only because KZ2 has much larger levels - and I've only seen beta textures thus far.  The beta download was only 498 mb!

Holyy shit dutch power!!!
revolution starts feb 08.....death of x360 being confirmed.. whahah....
Noo serieus this looks hell fuck amazing

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For the first time, a trailer has convinced me that the gameplay of Killzone 2 will be somewhat better than the gameplay of the original title.

Ironically, I found that same trailer to be the least visually inspiring of all of them.

What was great about that trailer was the sound though, very impressive.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
For the first time, a trailer has convinced me that the gameplay of Killzone 2 will be somewhat better than the gameplay of the original title.

Ironically, I found that same trailer to be the least visually inspiring of all of them.

What was great about that trailer was the sound though, very impressive.


The gameplay kicks ass.  The controls are nice and tight, and it's just very addictive.

I would go into more detail, but you know how it is with NDAs and all...

The general consensus on neogaf (as well as between the other beta testers here, like Outlaw and Squilliam - though come to think of it I don't think Squill played the R2 beta to compare), is that KZ2 is in general far more enjoyable than R2, and R2 is already receiving high critical praise.

@ makingmusic

Trying to be honest (and removing from the equation the fact you have been barracking for this game all year), do you think the game is going to be good enough (assuming things like story are equivalently high quality) to be considered a real challenge to Gears2/R2/Halo/Cod?

By that I mean given the games relatively poor release date, do you actually believe based off what you have played that the game is good enough to carve out a huge audience for itself based on quality alone, regardless of release time/console price?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

starcraft said:
@ makingmusic

Trying to be honest (and removing from the equation the fact you have been barracking for this game all year), do you think the game is going to be good enough (assuming things like story are equivalently high quality) to be considered a real challenge to Gears2/R2/Halo/Cod?

By that I mean given the games relatively poor release date, do you actually believe based off what you have played that the game is good enough to carve out a huge audience for itself based on quality alone, regardless of release time/console price?

I'd say yes, provided it's marketed even somewhat decently (even the first Killzone broke the 2 million mark because of marketing).

The game is surprisingly addictive, and holds a sway over me that no shooter has since Source a few years ago.  Me and outlaw have been playing almost nightly, and squilliam has been joining us whenever possible (his connection sucks).  The way rounds work is pretty cool, and it helps to keep the flow of a match going (I assume I can talk about this part, because it was mentioned at E3).  When a round ends, nothing stops, so you just keep playing.  Your commander will just give you new objectives over the Comm.  So for example, you'll lose a round of seek and destroy, and immediately a member of the opposing team will be targeted for assissination.  In a typical Warzone match (one that includes all rounds), this could go on for 5-6 rounds straight, and it really keeps the flow of things going.  Then the match ends, it decides the victorious team based on the number of rounds won, and it moves to a new map and match.

The game is just damn fun, and the single player should be ace as well.  From what I hear, the guys behind Heavenly Sword's cutscenes are working on KZ2's. The game should surpass R2, imo, and may seriously eat in R2's legs, once released. (Or maybe not.  CoD4 and Halo sold just fine together)

I'll send you more info via PM.

You can also ask squill for his impressions, if you want.


makingmusic476 said:
starcraft said:
@ makingmusic

Trying to be honest (and removing from the equation the fact you have been barracking for this game all year), do you think the game is going to be good enough (assuming things like story are equivalently high quality) to be considered a real challenge to Gears2/R2/Halo/Cod?

By that I mean given the games relatively poor release date, do you actually believe based off what you have played that the game is good enough to carve out a huge audience for itself based on quality alone, regardless of release time/console price?

I'd say yes, provided it's marketed even somewhat decently (even the first Killzone broke the 2 million mark because of marketing).

The game is surprisingly addictive, and holds a sway over me that no shooter has since Source a few years ago.  Me and outlaw have been playing almost nightly, and squilliam has been joining us whenever possible (his connection sucks).  The way rounds work is pretty cool, and it helps to keep the flow of a match going (I assume I can talk about this part, because it was mentioned at E3).  When a round ends, nothing stops, so you just keep playing.  Your commander will just give you new objectives over the Comm.  So for example, you'll lose a round of seek and destroy, and immediately a member of the opposing team will be targeted for assissination.  In a typical Warzone match (one that includes all rounds), this could go on for 5-6 rounds straight, and it really keeps the flow of things going.  Then the match ends, it decides the victorious team based on the number of rounds won, and it moves to a new map and match.

The game is just damn fun, and the single player should be ace as well.  From what I hear, the guys behind Heavenly Sword's cutscenes are working on KZ2's. The game should surpass R2, imo, and may seriously eat in R2's legs, once released. (Or maybe not.  CoD4 and Halo sold just fine together)

I'll send you more info via PM.

You can also ask squill for his impressions, if you want.

That'd be good.

For me (a largely offline gamer), whether this game plays any part in getting me to purchase a PS3 sooner rather than later will depend primarily on the length and quality of the single player campaign.  It is EXTREMELY rare for me to go on Xbox Live, and I imagine it would be the same with the PSN.

But if it provided a ten hour campaign of Gears-like quality and intensity, I would certainly look at picking it up.

If it provided a ten hour campaign at CoD4-like quality, I would look at buying a PS3 for it lol.

At the end of the day the kinds of games that make me buy consoles are RPG's or games I have a standing affiliation with.  For example, I bought an Xbox 360 for PDZ (and was about to sell it after the crap that was PDZ before I realised how many RPG's were coming and the fact that Fable 2 had been announced) and I bought a Wii for Zelda.

Shooters generally don't make me buy consoles because I dont go online and they are relatively short in length.  Still, if I become resigned to buying a PS3 (and at this stage I am because of Heavy Rain and Versus), a kickasss Killzone 2 single player is the sort of thing that could move the purchase up a month or two.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS