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Forums - Sony Discussion - NEW KILLZONE 2 trailer : BEST GRAPHICS EVER confirmed

I'm more of a singleplayer gamer myself (just look at my collection), so it's quite an anomaly that kz2 is taking up so much of my time.

As for singleplayer, I'm thinking it will be pretty epic. If you check out the histories on, you'll see that Killzone has quite the backstory. The first Killzone had a very interesting story, though it could've been conveyed much better. The fact that they're using the same tech as Heavenly Sword for the cutscenes in Killzone 2 should lead to a pretty nice experience. They may not get somebody as high profile as Andy Serkis again, but I'm sure the cast will be no slouch.

I don't know if you've played Heavenly Sword, but the cutscenes practically made the game. The plot was pretty mediocre overall, but it was just told so damn well. I didn't even notice how little there was to the story until well after I had finished the game and had some time to think about it.

I already know the controls and level design are ace, so the only issue I was worried about was AI, but after reading this, and realizing this, any fears I had dissipated.

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You gave me a lot to read through. Ill get back to you in the next day or so. You gave me a lot to read through. Its 5.40 am here and I've been up doing assessments. Time for bed lol.

I'll keep an eye out for KZ2's single player then. It's mainly encouraging to hear the controls are tight and the AI's been stepped up from the original.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

This game just keeps getting better and better, that Helghast General was awesome

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

According to this it says that the Generals in the trailer was real-time.


starcraft said:

For me (a largely offline gamer), whether this game plays any part in getting me to purchase a PS3 sooner rather than later will depend primarily on the length and quality of the single player campaign.  It is EXTREMELY rare for me to go on Xbox Live, and I imagine it would be the same with the PSN.

But if it provided a ten hour campaign of Gears-like quality and intensity, I would certainly look at picking it up.

If it provided a ten hour campaign at CoD4-like quality, I would look at buying a PS3 for it lol.

At the end of the day the kinds of games that make me buy consoles are RPG's or games I have a standing affiliation with.  For example, I bought an Xbox 360 for PDZ (and was about to sell it after the crap that was PDZ before I realised how many RPG's were coming and the fact that Fable 2 had been announced) and I bought a Wii for Zelda.

Shooters generally don't make me buy consoles because I dont go online and they are relatively short in length.  Still, if I become resigned to buying a PS3 (and at this stage I am because of Heavy Rain and Versus), a kickasss Killzone 2 single player is the sort of thing that could move the purchase up a month or two.


...... you pay for Xbox Live, but a largely offline gamer!!!!


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Jason77 said:
starcraft said:

For me (a largely offline gamer), whether this game plays any part in getting me to purchase a PS3 sooner rather than later will depend primarily on the length and quality of the single player campaign.  It is EXTREMELY rare for me to go on Xbox Live, and I imagine it would be the same with the PSN.

But if it provided a ten hour campaign of Gears-like quality and intensity, I would certainly look at picking it up.

If it provided a ten hour campaign at CoD4-like quality, I would look at buying a PS3 for it lol.

At the end of the day the kinds of games that make me buy consoles are RPG's or games I have a standing affiliation with.  For example, I bought an Xbox 360 for PDZ (and was about to sell it after the crap that was PDZ before I realised how many RPG's were coming and the fact that Fable 2 had been announced) and I bought a Wii for Zelda.

Shooters generally don't make me buy consoles because I dont go online and they are relatively short in length.  Still, if I become resigned to buying a PS3 (and at this stage I am because of Heavy Rain and Versus), a kickasss Killzone 2 single player is the sort of thing that could move the purchase up a month or two.


...... you pay for Xbox Live, but a largely offline gamer!!!!


Yeah.  I pay for it from time to time.

Not yearly subscriptions normally though.


starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS