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I'm more of a singleplayer gamer myself (just look at my collection), so it's quite an anomaly that kz2 is taking up so much of my time.

As for singleplayer, I'm thinking it will be pretty epic. If you check out the histories on, you'll see that Killzone has quite the backstory. The first Killzone had a very interesting story, though it could've been conveyed much better. The fact that they're using the same tech as Heavenly Sword for the cutscenes in Killzone 2 should lead to a pretty nice experience. They may not get somebody as high profile as Andy Serkis again, but I'm sure the cast will be no slouch.

I don't know if you've played Heavenly Sword, but the cutscenes practically made the game. The plot was pretty mediocre overall, but it was just told so damn well. I didn't even notice how little there was to the story until well after I had finished the game and had some time to think about it.

I already know the controls and level design are ace, so the only issue I was worried about was AI, but after reading this, and realizing this, any fears I had dissipated.