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Forums - Sony Discussion - NEW KILLZONE 2 trailer : BEST GRAPHICS EVER confirmed

Griffin said:
Zucas said:
Best Graphics Ever? Absolutely not haha and really not even close. However I am glad to see the implementation of color so kudos to Guerrilla for that. Trailer does look great and so do the game but not even close to best graphics ever and that should be good enough for most.


Name a console game with better graphics, the only thing which tops this are the cars in GT5p.

Well it really doesn't matter what I name, you'll still say KZ2 looks better because I know how fanboys work.  So I'll spare myself that.

But he did say best graphics, which means we have to take into account PC games, namely Crysis.  Which is why it isn't even close.


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Not bad. Cerainly looks good. But suddenly it's not so impressing anymore. But thats my opinion.

OK, I just watched it in HD. It's better yes, but I'm still not perceiving it as all that spectacular (I bring this up again thanks to ravings from another forum). If someone would tell me when the best parts are, I'll be able to examine it more closely.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

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There's plenty of impressive scenes. :P

View the last one in full to see the guy on the right.

@ Makingmusic, i guess this is ur most anticipated game.


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Getting there. I never thought a FPS would ever claim that spot for me. ^_^

Of course, realistically I'm anticipating God of War III, Trico, and Zelda Wii far more, even thought the latter two have yet to be announced. :P

720p shots:

Crappily compressed, but stunning nonetheless.

makingmusic476 said:
720p shots:

Crappily compressed, but stunning nonetheless.



Is it just me or is the texture detail extremely low.

Frankly, I'm not impressed. Yeah, the graphics are top of the line but I have difficulty spotting any marginal improvement over the likes of GoW2, Uncharted, Far Cry (console versions), heck even some sections of MGS4. The game is just too dark for me to make out the details and the animation seems a little stiff. I mean by 2009 I'd expect the PS3's biggest ever killer app to have graphics that rival the by then two year old Crysis, or at least show a significant advantage over 360 graphics given the far superior hardware. Great graphics, but not mind blowing to where it makes everything on the 360 or ps3 look like crap at this point.

I think I counted about 9 or 10 different character models throughout that trailer. (I paused it every few seconds to check). Which is certainly a good thing, adds more diversity to what you're shooting.

That lightning gun the huge helghast fired looks amazing. After hearing early reports of weather being implemented into the game -and then the subsequent unveiling of lighting artillary guns in the first trailer- I always had a feeling a lighting gun might pop up. It's truly a great idea and I just hope you get to pick one up and actually use it.

I also have to mention that the helghast with the cloak, 3 red lights and a cloth around his face shown in the screenshots posted by MM a few posts up is my favourite, I'd imagine he's the sniper class.