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Forums - Sony Discussion - NEW KILLZONE 2 trailer : BEST GRAPHICS EVER confirmed

Dallinor said:
I think I counted about 9 or 10 different character models throughout that trailer. (I paused it every few seconds to check). Which is certainly a good thing, adds more diversity to what you're shooting.

That lightning gun the huge helghast fired looks amazing. After hearing early reports of weather being implemented into the game -and then the subsequent unveiling of lighting artillary guns in the first trailer- I always had a feeling a lighting gun might pop up. It's truly a great idea and I just hope you get to pick one up and actually use it.

I also have to mention that the helghast with the cloak, 3 red lights and a cloth around his face shown in the screenshots posted by MM a few posts up is my favourite, I'd imagine he's the sniper class.


I'm loving the look of the commander guy:

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DTG said:
Frankly, I'm not impressed. Yeah, the graphics are top of the line but I have difficulty spotting any marginal improvement over the likes of GoW2, Uncharted, Far Cry (console versions), heck even some sections of MGS4. The game is just too dark for me to make out the details and the animation seems a little stiff. I mean by 2009 I'd expect the PS3's biggest ever killer app to have graphics that rival the by then two year old Crysis, or at least show a significant advantage over 360 graphics given the far superior hardware. Great graphics, but not mind blowing to where it makes everything on the 360 or ps3 look like crap at this point.

Since when is it "the PS3's biggest ever killer app"?


makingmusic476 said:
Getting there. I never thought a FPS would ever claim that spot for me. ^_^

Of course, realistically I'm anticipating God of War III, Trico, and Zelda Wii far more, even thought the latter two have yet to be announced. :P


 Same for me my most anticipated is without a doubt God of war III.

Is the beta really that good i really want to know beacuse before i wasnt too sure if would buy Killzone 2 or not.


DOATS1 said:
tuoyo said:
I think I have seen better graphics on PS3.

what people seem to get confused with is still graphics and graphics in motion. killzone 2 looks so crap in still images, but so effin' sexy when in motion. same with uncharted. maybe you're doing the same thing?



uno said:
This does look really good. I think better than Gears 2. Some of the animation is as though the torso and lower body move independently. The legs look good jumping over stuff but the weight of their walk looks a little off. I might pick this up for my PC. Maybe.

 your pc wouldn't happen to be a ps3 would it? because if not then this game is never going to be played by you.



 @ Bolded 1. Thats true, certain HD games look like crap in "Still-Motion" But "In-Motion" games like KZ2 MotorStorm 2 and so forth looks so damn good. is it because its HD or what?

@ Bolded 2. LOL he must be a noob. KZ2 is published and owned by sony, just like White Knight. :P

KZ2 may very well be the game I show to all of my non-gamer friends so I can wow them with the power of my entertainment center!

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Honestly, it looks very average to me. I hope it does well though.

DTG said:
Frankly, I'm not impressed. Yeah, the graphics are top of the line but I have difficulty spotting any marginal improvement over the likes of GoW2, Uncharted, Far Cry (console versions), heck even some sections of MGS4. The game is just too dark for me to make out the details and the animation seems a little stiff. I mean by 2009 I'd expect the PS3's biggest ever killer app to have graphics that rival the by then two year old Crysis, or at least show a significant advantage over 360 graphics given the far superior hardware. Great graphics, but not mind blowing to where it makes everything on the 360 or ps3 look like crap at this point.

Okay, I think you need to be brought a bit down by realism here.

First off, I would argue that from the trailer we just saw, it looks better than Uncharted. And it looks at least as good as MGS4. And since I haven't played Far Cry 2 or Gears of War 2, I wont argue about those.

Secondly, if you were to play Crysis in a 720p resolution at a rocksteady 30 fps, do you know how many times more powerful a PC you would need compared to a PS3? I would argue that running Crysis with those requirements is not possible on neither the PS3 nor the 360. When you make a game for a console, there is only so much power you can use.

Thirdly, just how superior is the hardware of the PS3 to that of the 360? You do realize that the GPU in the 360 is more powerful than the one in the PS3 right? You will never see a game on the PS3 that blows the best graphics the 360 can offer out of the water, but I think there is more room to grow on the PS3 than on the 360. Even so, in the end, the difference wont ever be enough to justify calling the hardware of the PS3 "far superior" to that of the 360.

My point is, this game looks absolutely stunning, and if you are dissappointed with the way it looks (not art direction, but raw graphics), than you have most likely set your expectations unrealisticly high.

Rainbird said:
DTG said:
Frankly, I'm not impressed. Yeah, the graphics are top of the line but I have difficulty spotting any marginal improvement over the likes of GoW2, Uncharted, Far Cry (console versions), heck even some sections of MGS4. The game is just too dark for me to make out the details and the animation seems a little stiff. I mean by 2009 I'd expect the PS3's biggest ever killer app to have graphics that rival the by then two year old Crysis, or at least show a significant advantage over 360 graphics given the far superior hardware. Great graphics, but not mind blowing to where it makes everything on the 360 or ps3 look like crap at this point.

Okay, I think you need to be brought a bit down by realism here.

First off, I would argue that from the trailer we just saw, it looks better than Uncharted. And it looks at least as good as MGS4. And since I haven't played Far Cry 2 or Gears of War 2, I wont argue about those.

Secondly, if you were to play Crysis in a 720p resolution at a rocksteady 30 fps, do you know how many times more powerful a PC you would need compared to a PS3? I would argue that running Crysis with those requirements is not possible on neither the PS3 nor the 360. When you make a game for a console, there is only so much power you can use.

Thirdly, just how superior is the hardware of the PS3 to that of the 360? You do realize that the GPU in the 360 is more powerful than the one in the PS3 right? You will never see a game on the PS3 that blows the best graphics the 360 can offer out of the water, but I think there is more room to grow on the PS3 than on the 360. Even so, in the end, the difference wont ever be enough to justify calling the hardware of the PS3 "far superior" to that of the 360.

My point is, this game looks absolutely stunning, and if you are dissappointed with the way it looks (not art direction, but raw graphics), than you have most likely set your expectations unrealisticly high.

You've never heard of the Blu-Ray Res Texture method for futhering the graphics of the PS3 have you? a few devs found out you can "Store" ridiculesly high res textures to make it near movie like quality by using more space on the blu-ray disc its meshed with.

But doing this causes (ATM) unforgiving lag which is why they have to find out how to keep a solid framerate + add the over-the-top graphics.

Long story short, PS3 has the ability to blow the 360s overall graphics out of the water, its just not one company is able to tap into yet.


Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Rainbird said:
DTG said:
Frankly, I'm not impressed. Yeah, the graphics are top of the line but I have difficulty spotting any marginal improvement over the likes of GoW2, Uncharted, Far Cry (console versions), heck even some sections of MGS4. The game is just too dark for me to make out the details and the animation seems a little stiff. I mean by 2009 I'd expect the PS3's biggest ever killer app to have graphics that rival the by then two year old Crysis, or at least show a significant advantage over 360 graphics given the far superior hardware. Great graphics, but not mind blowing to where it makes everything on the 360 or ps3 look like crap at this point.

Okay, I think you need to be brought a bit down by realism here.

First off, I would argue that from the trailer we just saw, it looks better than Uncharted. And it looks at least as good as MGS4. And since I haven't played Far Cry 2 or Gears of War 2, I wont argue about those.

Secondly, if you were to play Crysis in a 720p resolution at a rocksteady 30 fps, do you know how many times more powerful a PC you would need compared to a PS3? I would argue that running Crysis with those requirements is not possible on neither the PS3 nor the 360. When you make a game for a console, there is only so much power you can use.

Thirdly, just how superior is the hardware of the PS3 to that of the 360? You do realize that the GPU in the 360 is more powerful than the one in the PS3 right? You will never see a game on the PS3 that blows the best graphics the 360 can offer out of the water, but I think there is more room to grow on the PS3 than on the 360. Even so, in the end, the difference wont ever be enough to justify calling the hardware of the PS3 "far superior" to that of the 360.

My point is, this game looks absolutely stunning, and if you are dissappointed with the way it looks (not art direction, but raw graphics), than you have most likely set your expectations unrealisticly high.

You've never heard of the Blu-Ray Res Texture method for futhering the graphics of the PS3 have you? a few devs found out you can "Store" ridiculesly high res textures to make it near movie like quality by using more space on the blu-ray disc its meshed with.

But doing this causes (ATM) unforgiving lag which is why they have to find out how to keep a solid framerate + add the over-the-top graphics.

Long story short, PS3 has the ability to blow the 360s overall graphics out of the water, its just not one company is able to tap into yet.



Well hell, I can run Crysis on 1920x1200 and everything turned up to max and then it looks kinda like Star Wars Ep. 3 did, too bad I can't keep a constant framrate on it. Storing high res textures on the BluRay means that they have to load from the disk every time a texture shows up, which is extremely slow. There is no way of getting around that without a very serious buffer on the HDD.


OT: Crysis still looks better, even not when on high.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

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vlad321 said:
Seraphic_Sixaxis said:
Rainbird said:
DTG said:
Frankly, I'm not impressed. Yeah, the graphics are top of the line but I have difficulty spotting any marginal improvement over the likes of GoW2, Uncharted, Far Cry (console versions), heck even some sections of MGS4. The game is just too dark for me to make out the details and the animation seems a little stiff. I mean by 2009 I'd expect the PS3's biggest ever killer app to have graphics that rival the by then two year old Crysis, or at least show a significant advantage over 360 graphics given the far superior hardware. Great graphics, but not mind blowing to where it makes everything on the 360 or ps3 look like crap at this point.

Okay, I think you need to be brought a bit down by realism here.

First off, I would argue that from the trailer we just saw, it looks better than Uncharted. And it looks at least as good as MGS4. And since I haven't played Far Cry 2 or Gears of War 2, I wont argue about those.

Secondly, if you were to play Crysis in a 720p resolution at a rocksteady 30 fps, do you know how many times more powerful a PC you would need compared to a PS3? I would argue that running Crysis with those requirements is not possible on neither the PS3 nor the 360. When you make a game for a console, there is only so much power you can use.

Thirdly, just how superior is the hardware of the PS3 to that of the 360? You do realize that the GPU in the 360 is more powerful than the one in the PS3 right? You will never see a game on the PS3 that blows the best graphics the 360 can offer out of the water, but I think there is more room to grow on the PS3 than on the 360. Even so, in the end, the difference wont ever be enough to justify calling the hardware of the PS3 "far superior" to that of the 360.

My point is, this game looks absolutely stunning, and if you are dissappointed with the way it looks (not art direction, but raw graphics), than you have most likely set your expectations unrealisticly high.

You've never heard of the Blu-Ray Res Texture method for futhering the graphics of the PS3 have you? a few devs found out you can "Store" ridiculesly high res textures to make it near movie like quality by using more space on the blu-ray disc its meshed with.

But doing this causes (ATM) unforgiving lag which is why they have to find out how to keep a solid framerate + add the over-the-top graphics.

Long story short, PS3 has the ability to blow the 360s overall graphics out of the water, its just not one company is able to tap into yet.



Well hell, I can run Crysis on 1920x1200 and everything turned up to max and then it looks kinda like Star Wars Ep. 3 did, too bad I can't keep a constant framrate on it. Storing high res textures on the BluRay means that they have to load from the disk every time a texture shows up, which is extremely slow. There is no way of getting around that without a very serious buffer on the HDD.


OT: Crysis still looks better, even not when on high.


True, but i'd say somewere down the line maybe in mid 09 early 10, they'll find some way to do the B-RRTX method, and when that day comes you might as well be playing interactive movies on the trinity it'll look so damn real. just saying though its possible for the PS3 to do, but right now devs are to stupid to use it.