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starcraft said:
@ makingmusic

Trying to be honest (and removing from the equation the fact you have been barracking for this game all year), do you think the game is going to be good enough (assuming things like story are equivalently high quality) to be considered a real challenge to Gears2/R2/Halo/Cod?

By that I mean given the games relatively poor release date, do you actually believe based off what you have played that the game is good enough to carve out a huge audience for itself based on quality alone, regardless of release time/console price?

I'd say yes, provided it's marketed even somewhat decently (even the first Killzone broke the 2 million mark because of marketing).

The game is surprisingly addictive, and holds a sway over me that no shooter has since Source a few years ago.  Me and outlaw have been playing almost nightly, and squilliam has been joining us whenever possible (his connection sucks).  The way rounds work is pretty cool, and it helps to keep the flow of a match going (I assume I can talk about this part, because it was mentioned at E3).  When a round ends, nothing stops, so you just keep playing.  Your commander will just give you new objectives over the Comm.  So for example, you'll lose a round of seek and destroy, and immediately a member of the opposing team will be targeted for assissination.  In a typical Warzone match (one that includes all rounds), this could go on for 5-6 rounds straight, and it really keeps the flow of things going.  Then the match ends, it decides the victorious team based on the number of rounds won, and it moves to a new map and match.

The game is just damn fun, and the single player should be ace as well.  From what I hear, the guys behind Heavenly Sword's cutscenes are working on KZ2's. The game should surpass R2, imo, and may seriously eat in R2's legs, once released. (Or maybe not.  CoD4 and Halo sold just fine together)

I'll send you more info via PM.

You can also ask squill for his impressions, if you want.