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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wind Waker: Why would you consider this to be the best Zelda game?

wfz said:
Gnizmo, you get to be a Ninja in Majora's Mask!

WW wasn't my favorite 3D game, but if it had more dungeons and something better to do with finding the triforce rather than fishing it up, it might have been my favorite. MM takes the spot though. I generally don't rate my games though, I love them all.

 Lies and fabrication. You play as anything but something awesome in that game.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Wind Waker is a great game but not close to being the best Zelda ever. The Triforce shards fetch quest really killed all the game's rhythm to the point that when I replay the game I stop playing when I reach that part of the game.

Signature goes here!

I thought it's badass when I realize it practically being anime in game.

Majora is The Best Zelda.

Majora > WW

But, WW is Special...

Well, for mi, the first Zelda stablish the franchaise