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Forums - Sales Discussion - Bioshock PS3 a bust?

konnichiwa said:
Why would you buy an average shooter when Resistance 2 is on his way?



If I was you I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for Resistance 2 to average greater than a 96/100 score.


We don't provide the 'easy to program for' console that they [developers] want, because 'easy to program for' means that anybody will be able to take advantage of pretty much what the hardware can do, so the question is what do you do for the rest of the nine and half years? It's a learning process. - SCEI president Kaz Hirai

It's a virus where you buy it and you play it with your friends and they're like, "Oh my God that's so cool, I'm gonna go buy it." So you stop playing it after two months, but they buy it and they stop playing it after two months but they've showed it to someone else who then go out and buy it and so on. Everyone I know bought one and nobody turns it on. - Epic Games president Mike Capps

We have a real culture of thrift. The goal that I had in bringing a lot of the packaged goods folks into Activision about 10 years ago was to take all the fun out of making video games. - Activision CEO Bobby Kotick


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The reason its sales are low is because 2K is being greedy. Every other game that has been ported to the PS3 has had a lower price point. $59.99 for a game that you can get on the 360 for $39.99 is a tough sell for someone coming in to buy a game. Especially, if they own both PS3 and 360 and never played Bioshock before. For the PS3 only owner they feel their money is better spent on other games out. Especially, with this month and November having big guns being released.

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Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

I don't see why this is a big deal at all. For PS3 owners, they get another good FPS to play, a game that is frankly much better than Resistance ever could be on its best day. For Take 2, they get to establish the franchise on another platform before a sequel comes out knowing they've already sold about 2 million on the 360 and whatever on the PC (news reports were vague about a third of 360 sales, but even then it's still several hundred thousand). They've already made more than enough profit, any sale here is a bonus surely. And given that, they won't need to reduce the price until they REALLY need to.

Will you teach me to football?

KylieDog said:
You listen to review sites? Oh dear.

...and it was 360 exclusive originally


A game on the PC and Xbox 360 is not Xbox 360 exclusive.....

L4D is not an Xbox 360 exclusive...


As for whom I listen to, I listen to myself. I was just letting you know that no one agrees with you, and I doubt you've ever played the game.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


UT III.  Now THAT was a bust all the way around.

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Ok, I don't understand a few claims of some people in this thread;

-Bioshock is 44.95$ in a couple of my local gamestores whereas 'other' PS3-games are 60-65$... So the game frankly isn't full priced where I live!

-I think Bioshock is worth the 60$, who cares that it's 1 year old! It's about how the game compares to 'the rest'... And compared to that it's GREAT!... Totally kick-ass and better then most other shooters that are out there, in my opinion WAY better then that generic Resistance everyone is raving about!... I though Resistance wasn't that good! Just 'another' good shooter, nothing more, nothing less! Maybe R2 is better, I dunno, haven't played the game... But going on my playtime with R1 it's not nearly as good as Bioshock!

-Bioshock was listed as being released the 24th of October in a lot of my gamestores. Only 2 got the game on the 15th (actual retaildate 17th) and sold it right when they got it!

The date closes the 18th, so that's 2 official retail sale-days. Then 31k ain't good but not 'a bust' as the OP calls it!

Furthermore, I think the biggest debute will be in the US for the game, and the game will be sold by word of mouth and the releasedate fuck-up in the EU caused a cracked debute! I think 2nd week EU will be ~50k and US debute around 60 and 2nd week same... But we'll see!


I just wanted to say this; Although the game might sell 'not up to expectations'... It's still awesome! !!! Buy the game if you haven't already played it... It's up there with The Orange Box, Mass Effect, Metal Gear Solid 4 and Gears etc... The awesome shooters and action games of this generation!


Does anyone care to think Maybe PS3 fans just arn't as interested in this type of game as Xbox 360 fans.
From my experience, the PS3 tends to get more people from the console crowd, while the 360 tends to get more people from the 'PC crowd'. I mean this as far as what you've been playing for the last 10 years. And from what i played this is very much a PC feeling game. I played it and myself didn't see it as that enjoyable of a game(perhaps because PC games are a turnoff to me, i may be the minority - but I'm not alone in this)

I thought it was overrated, I believe a lot of the reviewers are veterans from PC gaming, and loved the game that was called 'system-shock 2' And this game is basically a long-time in coming sequel in-spirit to their coveted franchise - So I wouldn't say 'great scores for a new IP'. That's my opinion.


epinefridis said:
dbot said:
I don't understand the hype. The demo was good not great. I think there was some hype because it was not on the PS3.



Why the hell do you need hype for a game that was nominated game of the year from many magazines-sites and was bought from 2 million gamers on 360 (and who knows how many on PC) and played from even more?

The fact that didn't appeal to your tastes means absolutely nothing! And all you have to say is that it got hyped because it was not on PS3 in the first place??

Pretty ignorant and awkward way to anticipate a game dude.


@ DMeisterJ

You give an example of a game that was at its best average and was released on a platform that at the time had very small userbase, then ported to another platform with no beat em up background. How's that similar or even close to one of the best FPSs ever released????

I'm-talking-about a not so great game getting a lot of hype because it was not on the PS3.  The fact that it didn't appeal to my tastes means everything to me.  I remember Lost Planet getting a ton of hype also.  Now that game really sucked. 


Thanks for the input, Jeff.



KylieDog said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
KylieDog said:
You listen to review sites? Oh dear.

...and it was 360 exclusive originally


A game on the PC and Xbox 360 is not Xbox 360 exclusive.....

L4D is not an Xbox 360 exclusive...


As for whom I listen to, I listen to myself. I was just letting you know that no one agrees with you, and I doubt you've ever played the game.



Oh don't try that PC nosense.   It is the CONSOLE war, PC doesn't even come into it.  The game as far as console go was 360 exclusive, and 360 fanboys warshipped it and used it in every fanboy argument right up until May when the PS3 version was cofirmed, and suddenly they fell silent.


It is another overated overhyped exclusive that now its gone multiplat is showing its true colours.

Is anyone else reading this?


If I wasn't here, would this go unchallenged?


...the PS3 version of the game ranked 95%, and this is one of the best games this generation. I've be interested in hearing some of your favorite games this gen, and I'd also like to hear  you say you've actually played Bioshock, as well.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


im a little late to this thread but who honestly expected this game to sell exceptionally well??



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