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KylieDog said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
KylieDog said:
You listen to review sites? Oh dear.

...and it was 360 exclusive originally


A game on the PC and Xbox 360 is not Xbox 360 exclusive.....

L4D is not an Xbox 360 exclusive...


As for whom I listen to, I listen to myself. I was just letting you know that no one agrees with you, and I doubt you've ever played the game.



Oh don't try that PC nosense.   It is the CONSOLE war, PC doesn't even come into it.  The game as far as console go was 360 exclusive, and 360 fanboys warshipped it and used it in every fanboy argument right up until May when the PS3 version was cofirmed, and suddenly they fell silent.


It is another overated overhyped exclusive that now its gone multiplat is showing its true colours.

Is anyone else reading this?


If I wasn't here, would this go unchallenged?


...the PS3 version of the game ranked 95%, and this is one of the best games this generation. I've be interested in hearing some of your favorite games this gen, and I'd also like to hear  you say you've actually played Bioshock, as well.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.