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Does anyone care to think Maybe PS3 fans just arn't as interested in this type of game as Xbox 360 fans.
From my experience, the PS3 tends to get more people from the console crowd, while the 360 tends to get more people from the 'PC crowd'. I mean this as far as what you've been playing for the last 10 years. And from what i played this is very much a PC feeling game. I played it and myself didn't see it as that enjoyable of a game(perhaps because PC games are a turnoff to me, i may be the minority - but I'm not alone in this)

I thought it was overrated, I believe a lot of the reviewers are veterans from PC gaming, and loved the game that was called 'system-shock 2' And this game is basically a long-time in coming sequel in-spirit to their coveted franchise - So I wouldn't say 'great scores for a new IP'. That's my opinion.