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Forums - Sony Discussion - It's official. Worldwide LBP delay. :'(

Onyxmeth said:
Tbone said:
Sorry for off topic but what would stop people to create something worse when the game releases.

I believe there's an option to flag innapropriate player created material in the game for deletion.


Well that makes sense.



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I just went to the playstation store and noticed that the LBP spaceman suit is only available for download from october 21-30.

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iclim4 said:
swarley said:
Griffin said:
I have been typing stuff now for the last 20mins and each time i feel what i write will get me banned because i have no idea what the mods will find offensive. So i will make it a simple and say i'm not at all happy about this.

 I have been doing the same thing.  As an atheist lets just say that I am biting my tounge.  

I'll take the high road with you.....I'm not at all happy about this.

You know? being controlled by fear is not taking the high road.
You both have something to say, and as long as you guys convey your thoughts in a rational and civil manner it would be replied to accordingly.


But there was no probelm with the game and a bunch of crazy people went nuts and decided it need to be changed.  We all know what would of happened if Sony left it alone, there offices would of been bombed or trashed by a bunch of pissed of muslims.  The whole world is made of double standards and its getting really annoying.  If its about gays, minorities or religions, it seems people always need to bend off backwards to not be sued because some crazy people want things changed to suit them.

Good thing DmeisterJ that the other thread got locked,,,
i mean some of the responses there were downright ugly,, no respect to others at all!!!

Now to the game,,, it will hurt sony greatly at first, (recalls cost a lot u know),,, but i think the controversy will help the game at the end,,, now Bioshock, eternal sonata may sell well afterall !!!! But, Resistance2 and LBP so close to each other ????? scary



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LittleBigPlanet Release Update

+ Posted by Patrick Seybold // Director, Corporate Communications & Social Media

During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur’an. We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologize for any offense that this may have caused.

We will begin shipping LittleBigPlanet to retail in North America the week of October 27th. Sorry for the delay, and rest assured, we are doing everything we can to get LittleBigPlanet to you as soon as possible. We’ll report back as soon as we have another update.


That's not too bad, I suppose.

Around the Network
Euphoria14 said:
Tbone said:

LBP 1 week delayed.


 Wait, is that an official thing? Only being pushed back to the 31st?


 Dont know maybe we should wait until Sony confirms it.


Everyone got into a massive fight in the other thread for nothing at all. That's only bad for Sony who have to lose their money in reprints. Just a week after the planned release - that's okay.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Good, I needed to get in on the ground floor of this one. I'll mod my last post in the other topic, because I feel it is on point.

Yeah, this definitely hurts the game(read on).

A. The midnight gamestop launch with Fable 2, cancelled for LBP.

B. Game will be released to go up against the later heavy hitters and multiplats, when previously it was the leadoff for big titles.

C. Preorders via terms of service will be refunded from most online retailers, including Ebay.

D. Bundles will have to be torn apart and repackaged.

E. Release date will be unknown to a wide audience, as the current advertisements all have it incorrect, and while they weren't useless, they have now become less effective. Especially if Sony was trying to appeal to a casual audience, and get them hyped.

LBP's launch was planned with careful marketing precision. With the street date already broken, and the beta, hype for the unbelievably hyped game has no where to go but down.

This isn't a major bombshell, the game will make up for its missed initial sales with legs, as they game has always been one expected to thrive off legs rather than burst.

However, like I've said, this is nothing but bad news for LBP, Sony, and the Playstationverse in general. The only question is "how bad." I'd say 4/10 level bad. The longer it's delayed, the worse it'll get.

Damn!  I'm sure Sony had a lot of bundles made up.  If this is true and it takes time to rectify, will that mean there is going to be a shortage of PS3's ready to ship?

This game isn't on my system, but from the preview videos I've seen, I thought it deserved the hype and the rewards of good sales.  Hopefully people will be prepared to hold out an extra week or two so the sales aren't affected but it can't be good to launch closer to other AAA titles.


Hey.. at least we know it gonna be released... Just wait a few weeks... it's not like 10 years...
>_> *looks at Duke Nukem Forever*


Face the future.. Gamecenter ID: nikkom_nl (oh no he didn't!!) 

Zenfoldor is pwned.

Only delayed six days.


Your doom and gloom has no place in this thread, try that somewhere else.