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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - What are Microsoft doing to Halo?

Mario any one???

I wouldn't say Sonic YET, since it's mainly been platforming, and I think one or 2 fighters. And one attempt at an RPG....

4 ≈ One

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Endz said:

The problem is the timing as another person stated, one that they didn't start milking the franchise back with xbox but now milking/releasing halo too much all at once on xbox 360. They should have spread it all out.

I wouldn't be surprised if they let you add your "avatar" in a halo game at some point.

Not going to happen. Avatars are only possible in games without violence.


Kantor said:
I am objecting to the fact that they are releasing an expansion and two games in the same year.

Also, @SHMUPGurus, those are from three different series and two different developers. I mean, I would have no objection if they were timing this right, but two new games and an expansion being released at the same time just seems over the top.

And these are all spin-offs. None of them feature Master Chief, without whom Halo is really nothing, making them truly entirely different games with the magical four letters added on.

So here we are: Halo without Bungie, without Master Chief, without run and gun action.

Two different spin offs to Halo in 2 different genres.

I guess Metal Gear kind of did this with Metal Gear Acid, but I found that pretty annoying too, especially since it was such a failure.

Note: I am partly annoyed because Sony has yet to announce anything important at TGS. Well, the main conference hasn't happened yet, so hopefully something will turn up to counter all of these "Microsoft has won TGS" arguments

1. They will release Halo Wars in Early 09 and Halo 3: Recon in Fall 09. I'm pretty sure Halo Chronicles won't come out until 2010. We know nothing about this game and haven't seen a single screenshot. => I see no problem


2. Halo is nothing without Masterchief ? WRONG

He is an important character, but the Halo universe is far more than just one spartan. I want to know what happened before Masterchief and that's why I'm looking forward to play Halo Wars. I want to know what happened from a view of a normal soldier. That's why I'm looking forward to play Halo 3: Recon

They're trying to make money. No mystery here.

Proud member of the SONIC SUPPORT SQUAD

Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger

Kantor said:

Despite the fact I own neither an Xbox nor a 360, I love the Halo series. I've played the games several times and think they are some of the best examples of FPS currently available.

There have been three games: Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2 and Halo 3. While some were better than others, they were all excellent.

But what the hell is Microsoft doing? Halo Wars? Halo Chronicles? Halo 3: Recon? Halo Tennis? Halo at the Olympic Games? Halo Party?

You get the idea. This attempt to squeeze everything they can out of the Halo franchise is making them look desperate. "Look, Sony has 10 new series and sequels to PS2 games! Let's counter that with 3 new HALOs!"

And on top of that, Bungie is not making any of them. I mean what the hell.



I thought bungie was making recon, outside of that, they stated they want to work on other games

come play minecraft @

minecraft name: hansrotec

XBL name: Goddog

I really want to play Halo Tennis. I would use MC and pwn arby 6-0 6-0 6-0.
Im fan of tennis and fan of halo.
Halo tennis is best for me


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colonelstubbs said:
Halo wars looks quite good actually


I lost faith in Ensemble Studios after Age of Empires III.

And it's a wonderful sign that they're closing down after they release Halo Wars, isn't it?

Actually, it is. Good riddance for them never getting around to Age of Mythology II.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Halo Kart, Super Smash Halo, Halo's mansion, Halo tenis, Halo golf, Halo Party, Super Halo, Super Halo Galaxy, Halo all stars, Doctor Master Chief, Paper Halo, Halo RPG, The Legend of Halo, Halo Wars, Halo Recon.

F.U. Fun University.

You forgot Halo Goes to College and Halo Gets Married.

Milking the franchise duh.

I like the plan they have with Halo now. They did the FPS Trilogy with Master Chief. We know there will be an eventual 4th game down the road with him. However next year they are expanding the universe with different points of view. Filling in back story with the RTS which is a prequel, and Recon which is a side story with a totally different character on Earth during and after Halo 2. 2010 will probably be the project the new Halo team for Microsoft is working on with Peter Jackson. Hell a Halo RPG would be cool also. As long as they don't get into Halo Golf, Halo Baseball, Halo Tennis , Paper Halo, Halo Paint, Halo Kart, etc I think the franchise is in very good hands. Anyone who thought Halo would just end after the Trilogy is over, is really out of it