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Forums - Sales Discussion - ... And there it is. Mario Kart Wii just caught up to Halo 3.

scottie said:
fastyxx said:
But a year after launch, at least 1 in 8 Halo 3 players play online in a given week, whereas there are a lot of sad little Marios sitting on people's shelves less than a year in. I like Galaxy a lot. Mario Kart is fun but I don't care much. It's disposable - nothing too new or exciting there.

But I'd much rather have a game that is tweaked monthly and regularly expanded/updated and regularly played for months and months and months after launch than a game that sells more but whose pre user lifespan is limited. It's a better blueprint for the future of gaming. See Burnout Paradise on both PS3 and 360 for a similar good buy for consumers.

Having Halo 3 be a bigger seller would be better for gamers in that respect.

But whatever. Like most of the discussions we get all worked over on this site, it don't matter at all.

haha, you're saying Ninty games don't have long lasting appeal? This year, I have played Smash Bros, Perfect Dark, Goldeneye, Mario Kart 64 and Legend of Zelda Orcarina of Time on the N64, and, for that matter - Super Mario Bros for the Virtual Cnsole sold millions of copies. If millions of people are still playing Halo 3 in 20 years time, I concede it has long lasting appeal

Till then, shush :P


Anyway, well done MK:Wii, and a preemptive well done to Wii Fit, which shall outsell Halo 3 Next week, and is gaining 60-100k on MK:Wii every week, so it shall soon become the Wii's 3rd best selling game.


Did anyone actually expect Brawl to outsell MK?

I did, but for the first year and after that MKWii will outsell it


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The point that online is more fun than playing against people on the same couch as you annoys me. People go on about how going online is the be all end all. And while it's a great addition to a game and I would hate it if it didn't exist (I do play WoW, CS, and CoD4 after all) to me it just can't compare to getting 3 friends in the same room to play against.

I have a feeling Brawl and MK will be played through the end of the wii and until the new iterations come out. A lot of people I know still played melee all the way up until Brawl.

Tag(thx fkusumot) - "Yet again I completely fail to see your point..."

HD vs Wii, PC vs HD:

Why Regenerating Health is a crap game mechanic:

gamrReview's broken review scores:


vlad321 said:
I have a feeling Brawl and MK will be played through the end of the wii and until the new iterations come out. A lot of people I know still played melee all the way up until Brawl.

Yeah, I know I did. To be fully honest with you all, MK Wii feels like a weak entry in the series, to me, but that's solely based on Battle Mode. I just can't understand why they wouldn't at least let you have the option of playing the good ol' version of battle mode... :x


Still, it's a solid game, and even though I have, and I know I will keep, playing Brawl over it, it's a fun game. I like Mario Kart 64 way more, but hey, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Races are still lots and lots of fun in MK Wii and that's the main point, right?

vlad321 said:
I have a feeling Brawl and MK will be played through the end of the wii and until the new iterations come out. A lot of people I know still played melee all the way up until Brawl.

Agreed.  I remember having MK:DD get-togethers up until the release of MK Wii. 

OT: The game fully deserves its sales!  Even my parents like it lol.  I recently loaned mine to a friend because she's had no luck finding it in a store.  I want it back dammit...


Proud member of the Mega Mario Movement


Warrior of Light

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Majin-Tenshinhan said:
vlad321 said:
I have a feeling Brawl and MK will be played through the end of the wii and until the new iterations come out. A lot of people I know still played melee all the way up until Brawl.

Yeah, I know I did. To be fully honest with you all, MK Wii feels like a weak entry in the series, to me, but that's solely based on Battle Mode. I just can't understand why they wouldn't at least let you have the option of playing the good ol' version of battle mode... :x


Still, it's a solid game, and even though I have, and I know I will keep, playing Brawl over it, it's a fun game. I like Mario Kart 64 way more, but hey, that's the way the cookie crumbles. Races are still lots and lots of fun in MK Wii and that's the main point, right?

To me the best Battle mode is the one from Mario Kart 64. I think it comes from the abundance of stars and the kick ass stages. Most of my play time on Mario Kart 64 was battle mode. For Double Dash and MK Wii, it's the races that keep me coming back, I don't care for their battle modes.


Signature goes here!

c0rd said:
Khuutra said:
FishyJoe said:
SSBB is simply not playable by everyone. Mario Kart next to Wii Sports is probably one of the most intuitive games for non-gamers to pick up, yet MK has enough depth to interest more experienced gamers.

Do you think SSBB's limited appeal is due to the characters involved, the need to unlock so many people through the adventure mode (or other ridiculous things), or the fact that the game has just gotten too damn complicated since its N64 glory?

The fact that it's a fighting game doesn't exactly help. I don't think females are into that sort of stuff. Hell, my mom showed interest in Mario Kart, there's no way I could say the same for Smash Bros.

Wii Fit / Nintendogs should be a great example of how important the girls' vote is.

All right, granted, this is pretty reasonable too - though I wouldn't necessarily say that fighting games are a gendered niche so much as that they're just a niche in general, with Smash Bros. being the last example of a wildly popular game in the genre.

fastyxx said:
trestres said:
It was a matter of seconds until haters started to say MKWii is a POS and blah blah blah.

I don't get the sudden hate when game A passes game B. Calm down, specially fastyxx.



Wow. I touched some kind of nerve on the Wii fascists with my comment.  Who the hell's hating on Mario Kart?  I just bought it, with a freaking wheel. 

I was just making the point that Halo 3 has longer legs for more users than Kart does.  Not "I'll pull it out every now and then" legs but actual obsessive playing legs. 

And whoever was saying COD4 > Halo 3, that' s besides the point.  COD4 is similar to argumetn about Halo and why it's a good thing if a game like that is the top selling game.  NOT because they are both shooters, but because they are both supported well (though I would argue in terms of support by the devs, Halo is WAY beyond COD4.  Activision can't wait to put a fork in COD4 so people will buy World at War).

The point of my comment is not that Galaxy or Kart is bad.  They are both fun.  But they are limited experiences.  Online Kart would be better if it had Live/PSN capabilities, DLC new tracks, etc. etc. etc.   That was the only point to it.  It's not a Halo>Mario thread.  They are two totally different things.

I have 3 good responses for you:

1. I guess X360 gamers don't have any other good games to play, that's why all they do is play Halo.

2. So you think that a group of gamers who only play 1 game is a good thing for gaming?

3. I'd like to see you prove Halo 3 has more users per week now than Mario Kart, in fact I'd say online users alone MKWii is probably equalling Halo 3, but with Halo I bet 90% plus of those who played in the last week were online, whereas Mario Kart's online community is probably only 40% of the total players.


TWRoO said:

I have 3 good responses for you:

1. I guess X360 gamers don't have any other good games to play, that's why all they do is play Halo.

2. So you think that a group of gamers who only play 1 game is a good thing for gaming?

3. I'd like to see you prove Halo 3 has more users per week now than Mario Kart, in fact I'd say online users alone MKWii is probably equalling Halo 3, but with Halo I bet 90% plus of those who played in the last week were online, whereas Mario Kart's online community is probably only 40% of the total players.


1.  You know that's not true.

2.  Who said they are only playing one game?  

3.  Has anyone seen Wii online numbers?  Just how many people actually play online?  Just curious.  And it's not like people don't play Halo offline.  


Anyway, my point, again, isn't that Halo is a better game than MKWii or any other game.  And as I said in my original post, none of this even matters.  It's just that Halo's ongoing support from its devs is important.  

If I took out the word Halo and 360 and replace it with a relatively low-selling (compared to Halo or Mario games) Burnout:Paradise for PS3, would it end the thought that I'm Wii-bashing, because I'm not, and the same holds true.  I have all 3 consoles now and like them all.  It's not about Halo, but about the thought that it's good for gaming to have the games/franchises that get lots of support and ongoing attention and nourishment do well to encourage others to do the same.  Even having Mario Galaxy sell better would be more in gamers' best interests because it did something new with its gameplay.  

It is possible to offer some thoughtful critique of a Nintendo game (or a 360 or PS3 game, for that matter) without being a hater.  I'm not a hater.  In fact I just got done playing Mario Kart 15 minutes ago, so clearly I'm not hating on it.  And I've emphasized it in every post.  I don't care which console "wins".  I like aspects of all of them. I just like gaming.



Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?

And with Europe updating today, Wii Fit and Mario Kart move ahead.