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TWRoO said:

I have 3 good responses for you:

1. I guess X360 gamers don't have any other good games to play, that's why all they do is play Halo.

2. So you think that a group of gamers who only play 1 game is a good thing for gaming?

3. I'd like to see you prove Halo 3 has more users per week now than Mario Kart, in fact I'd say online users alone MKWii is probably equalling Halo 3, but with Halo I bet 90% plus of those who played in the last week were online, whereas Mario Kart's online community is probably only 40% of the total players.


1.  You know that's not true.

2.  Who said they are only playing one game?  

3.  Has anyone seen Wii online numbers?  Just how many people actually play online?  Just curious.  And it's not like people don't play Halo offline.  


Anyway, my point, again, isn't that Halo is a better game than MKWii or any other game.  And as I said in my original post, none of this even matters.  It's just that Halo's ongoing support from its devs is important.  

If I took out the word Halo and 360 and replace it with a relatively low-selling (compared to Halo or Mario games) Burnout:Paradise for PS3, would it end the thought that I'm Wii-bashing, because I'm not, and the same holds true.  I have all 3 consoles now and like them all.  It's not about Halo, but about the thought that it's good for gaming to have the games/franchises that get lots of support and ongoing attention and nourishment do well to encourage others to do the same.  Even having Mario Galaxy sell better would be more in gamers' best interests because it did something new with its gameplay.  

It is possible to offer some thoughtful critique of a Nintendo game (or a 360 or PS3 game, for that matter) without being a hater.  I'm not a hater.  In fact I just got done playing Mario Kart 15 minutes ago, so clearly I'm not hating on it.  And I've emphasized it in every post.  I don't care which console "wins".  I like aspects of all of them. I just like gaming.



Can't we all just get along and play our games in peace?