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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can piracy be a good thing?

i agree cuz in asia games are soooooo overpriced so people rarely but them and they buy pirated games. Most of the people in asia buy pirated games. If they are no pirated games for a console,most of the people wont buy the console.

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Piracy would not be an issue if greedy corporations did not over charge consumers. People who tend to pirate software are those who can not afford to pay ridiculously high prices.

nitekrawler1285 said:
Millennium said:
nitekrawler1285 said:

I'm just curious to how places like Gamefly and Blockbuster can charge you and give away someone's intellectual property but doing so for free is bad.

Because Gamefly and Blockbuster legitimately purchase every copy they rent out, and don't make new ones. They don't steal in the way that pirates do.


That doesn't change the fact that developers are "hurt" over less sales, while they(GF BB) make money off someone else's hard work.  Let's buy 20 copies and rent it out thousands of times.  That's SOOO much better than pirating.

If rental copies cost the same as retail copies you'd be right, but they don't.

See, the game makers actually understand this point that you make. If you look at the license that comes with your retail copies of games, you'll see that you're not allowed to rent those out precisely because of what you are saying. Gamefly and Blockbuster and similar outlets pay extra for that privilege, and they pay quite a lot extra. Enough, in fact, to more or less offset the losses the game developer would take due to reduced sales.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Supernova82 said:
Piracy would not be an issue if greedy corporations did not over charge consumers. People who tend to pirate software are those who can not afford to pay ridiculously high prices.

So what? Nobody has an inborn right to play video games, and no one ever died or even suffered any harm from not playing. Video games are not a necessity of life, and so there is no justification for stealing them. You are not Jean Valjean.

Complexity is not depth. Machismo is not maturity. Obsession is not dedication. Tedium is not challenge. Support gaming: support the Wii.

Be the ultimate ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today! Poisson Village welcomes new players.

What do I hate about modern gaming? I hate tedium replacing challenge, complexity replacing depth, and domination replacing entertainment. I hate the outsourcing of mechanics to physics textbooks, art direction to photocopiers, and story to cheap Hollywood screenwriters. I hate the confusion of obsession with dedication, style with substance, new with gimmicky, old with obsolete, new with evolutionary, and old with time-tested.
There is much to hate about modern gaming. That is why I support the Wii.

Kantor said:
nitekrawler1285 said:

I'm just curious to how places like Gamefly and Blockbuster can charge you and give away someone's intellectual property but doing so for free is bad. If pirating is bad renting is worse. Developers still "lose" tons of money to no one buying games at least pirates aren't trying to call what they do a legitimate business.

If retail games were no more than $5 to $10 a pop people wouldn't feel the need to pirate(as much). Just like the digital song download prices are good at about .99 to 1.99 per song. If game makers keep overshooting consumer demands with such high end prices for what often amount to low end products then i can't say i blame people for pirating.

If games were $5 to $10 a pop, there would be no gaming industry because everybody in the industry would be BANKRUPT.

Developers put a lot of time and money into games. Quite often, they are good games. But even if they aren't, that means you can take them for free? You can take somebody else's hard work and give it out free of charge? How could anybody consider that ethical?

In that way, say a few lawnmowers are bad. Does that give you the right to go into Wal-mart, steal a whole bunch of lawn mowers are give them out free? No.

Renting is entirely different. That would be paying for the lawnmowers and letting people borrow them for a little money.

Besides, they'll be able to pirate the PS3 eventually, but by then the PS5 will be out so nobody will care anymore.

Maybe if they want to survive as an industry they will pull a nintendo and drastically reduce the barriers to consumption of thier product(namely price now that the big N has fixed accessibility and education requirements for consumers).

I didn't say it was ethical, that's your issue.  Abortions are murder(I'm pro-choice btw) and murder is not ethical but that doesn't stop people from doing it now does it. Different people have different standards of ethics.

No but if i bought one lawn mower and let the everybody rent it that would "hurt" the future sales of the creator of the lawn mower. Why pay full price for something when you can just rent it as needed.  Or say i decided to let everyone use it for free still the same issue for the creators of the lawn mower.

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Millennium said:
nitekrawler1285 said:
Millennium said:
nitekrawler1285 said:

I'm just curious to how places like Gamefly and Blockbuster can charge you and give away someone's intellectual property but doing so for free is bad.

Because Gamefly and Blockbuster legitimately purchase every copy they rent out, and don't make new ones. They don't steal in the way that pirates do.


That doesn't change the fact that developers are "hurt" over less sales, while they(GF BB) make money off someone else's hard work.  Let's buy 20 copies and rent it out thousands of times.  That's SOOO much better than pirating.

If rental copies cost the same as retail copies you'd be right, but they don't.

See, the game makers actually understand this point that you make. If you look at the license that comes with your retail copies of games, you'll see that you're not allowed to rent those out precisely because of what you are saying. Gamefly and Blockbuster and similar outlets pay extra for that privilege, and they pay quite a lot extra. Enough, in fact, to more or less offset the losses the game developer would take due to reduced sales.

I did not realise that they payed more for thier games. thank you very much for pointing out the flaw in my logic.

However, despite people stealing many companies manage to make a profit.  Pirates will steal no matter what.  They operate with a different ethical system.  Given that most companies can create a product that manages to appeal to enough people that don't says to me that they are overshooting the value of the product that they are selling.  

Nintendo makes tons of money despite pirates.  Find your market, don't complain about overshooting the current one. Make different software or sell it at a different price, or both.

cleveland124 said:
code.samurai said:
There are lots of examples of popular successful platforms that may have been helped by piracy Windows, PS1, PS2, Wii, DS.

I'd like you to prove this statement. Just because a system is popular, doesn't mean it is because of piracy. PS1 and PS2 were easy to pirate, but Wii and DS are not. You have to buy a $30-40 adapter to pirate on the DS from a shady Chinese website. I'd guess most consumers won't take this route. Only hardcore gamers that need to have 10+ games/year or be able to play older games they love. And to my knowledge the Wii has not yet pirated. I thought the reverse spin system made it very cost prohibitive for pirates because you'd have to buy a special copyinfg drive for thousands of dollars.



The bolded parts are flat-out lies. The Wii was hacked right around launch and modchips are widely available. DS games are very easy to pirate. The cards themselves can be used by basically anyone, and depending on where you live, you can buy them locally. Even if not there are multiple reliable websites in canada I could buy from and have a card by next week.

It took a few years for there to be a no-swap modchip for the ps2 (to play copied dvd and cd games) and it was an insanely hard install. Compare this to the first modchip available for the wii which was available shortly after launch had about 6 solder points and was absurdly easy to install. The newer Wii's are somewhat harder but still easy as pie compared to the 20+ wire installs needed for self-booting copied games in the midst of the ps2's life

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craighopkins said:
Piracy is stealing. And thats a bad thing.


 I don't pirate games or anything else, but that various industry lobby groups have, through their long running PR campaigns, convinced a sizable portion of the public that piracy is stealing pisses me off. Piracy is not stealing. Stealing/theft involves taking property from its rightful owner. Piracy is copyright infringement. Copyright infringement involves not paying royalties due for utilizing a protected IP.


In all but the smallest cases theft is a criminal matter that carries the threat of jail time. In all but the largest cases copyright infringement is a civil matter.

Perhaps but the HW would have to be extremely profitable right???

Either way, no matter what I see piracy as bad.

4 ≈ One

bugrimmar said:

in contrast, the playstation 3 isn't realistically a haven for piracy and its having a hard time penetrating the market. could the lack of pirated software be the cause?

or am i just being delusional in thinking that piracy can actually be a good thing..

Yes, you are being just delusional...

Piracy only hurts devs...

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