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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Can piracy be a good thing?

code.samurai said:
There are lots of examples of popular successful platforms that may have been helped by piracy Windows, PS1, PS2, Wii, DS.

I'd like you to prove this statement.  Just because a system is popular, doesn't mean it is because of piracy.  PS1 and PS2 were easy to pirate, but Wii and DS are not.  You have to buy a $30-40 adapter to pirate on the DS from a shady Chinese website.  I'd guess most consumers won't take this route.  Only hardcore gamers that need to have 10+ games/year or be able to play older games they love.  And to my knowledge the Wii has not yet pirated.  I thought the reverse spin system made it very cost prohibitive for pirates because you'd have to buy a special copyinfg drive for thousands of dollars. 

Why are people perfectly ok with buying used games, yet pirating is a horrid crime which people should suffer for? Neither gives the developer any more money (which is why DRM is being used to kill the used games market*).

The differences are the law is black and white.  The right of sale doctrine gives you the right to do whatever you want with purchased physical media including resale.  The copyright laws do not allow you to copy the product and give it to people for free.  You'd also have to look at the scope here.  One person putting a game on the internet, can get a game copied 10,000 times.  So the developer receives $50 for the 10,001 people that have used their product at a time.  In a used game, the original owner has to give up their right to play the game.  So at most for the $50 1 person a time is using it.  You also have to figure worst case scenario, a game is sold used once a month for the course of the life of the system (1 month due to shipping, sale time, etc.).  That means that over 5 years, 60 people at most will have played the game. 



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code.samurai said:
There are lots of examples of popular successful platforms that may have been helped by piracy Windows, PS1, PS2, Wii, DS.

I would actually say the converse is true.  As systems become more popular they are pirated more.  Xbox was very easy to pirate but I've noticed that is gone from your list.  And Wii may be piratable but it is one of the most difficult systems to pirate since disc based systems have been around. 

I am pro-Piracy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I bet the peeps on here who say they are anti-piracy, pirate themselves. I bet they download free music and movie downloads via torrents. lol. Talk about hypocrisy.

Pirating video games, music or movies is still piracy. Remember it is only a problem  if you get caught by the authorities.

Va1entinoZ said:

PS2 was no doubt popular because of cheap software. 

Sorry m8 my bad. That's not what i meant. The thing is that here in Russia the xbox wasn't popular due to lack of pirate games. People just didn't want to pay much money for gamin'. And there were lots of pirate PS2 disks that costed 3$. Now the games for 360 cost around 5-6$. Also when i worked in the hardware shop we sold no PS3s and plenty of 360s.


 Actually I think this proves my point perfectly.  With $3 pirated games nobody is going to be even willing to pay $20 for a retail game.  So what happens is very few games will get released in Russia.  So your selection stinks.  Also, the big 3 need to make money on hardware since they aren't going to make it up in software.  So hardware prices are very inflated compared with other parts in the world.  So someone in Russia pays the same as gaming as me (increased hardware, decreased software) but doesn't own retail releases and has a worse game selection than I do.  If that's what you want go ahead and pirate to your life's intent.

Supernova82 said:

I am pro-Piracy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I bet the peeps on here who say they are anti-piracy, pirate themselves. I bet they download free music and movie downloads via torrents. lol. Talk about hypocrisy.

Make up things about people that dissagree with you if it makes you feel better.  I'm sure I'm hypocritical in some ways, but pirating is not one of them. 


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Dreamcast died because of piracy

PSP might be heading down the same path


Xbone... the new "N" word   Apparently I troll MS now | Evidence | Evidence

Piracy is good because it increases the overall wealth in the world.
Piracy is bad because it redistributes money away from the entertainment industry.

This is invisible text!


I do agree with u. I've never bought pirate disks and i don't support anyone who uses pirate software. The piracy really hurts me (we still have no Soul Calibur 4). But still it's a fact, that piracy boosts hardware sales


marc said:

LOL... let me share some history with your before your foot disappears too far down your throat. Without piracy, Blizzard wouldn’t be here today because no one would have ever played warcraft. Period. That’s a fact. Back then computer games were so remote that no one would have purchased a computer game without trying it 1st. Mettallica and many other late 80s early 90s bands would have flopped outright (for better or worse I leave you to decide). You can also make the argument for Bioware, ID and many other companies. Hell, all of gaming in general wouldn’t be where it is today if people didn’t make it popular by what you call piracy because those same pirates popularized a lot of obscure games and software.

Let me ask you this my blindly opinionated friend, if it wasn’t called piracy would you feel as strongly about it? Do you think its a mistake that the lawyers labeled it "piracy?" What if the action was labeled "free advertisement." Would you still be saying what you are saying if that’s what people called it? Nope, because you’re a mindless lemming. Get over it and learn. This type of thing is done all the time. One mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter. I am not going to stand here and say piracy or "free advertising" is good, because ultimately you need to turn a profit but don’t you dare stand there and tell me that lying companies are any better and frankly, I for one, refuse to be a victim of shoddy programming and lies. I will try a game and if i like it, I will buy it just like most any pirate who can afford to do so. Let the rich conglomerates take some responsibility for their product for once. I am sick and tired of all the bleeding heart advocates and the lack of accountability & responsibility of corporations who fail because they make shoddy products.


Let me go ahead and tell you right now that you are completely and utterly wrong about Warcraft.  I played the demo and then bought the game.  Demos were very ubiquitous back in the day.  Hell there were demos you could download on BBSs.  I remember downloading Comander Keen and shit.  Wolfenstein, Doom, etc. all had demos readily available for download.  Using your arguments, since Walmart sells shoddy products, I should be able to get them for free.

Supernova82 said:

I bet the peeps on here who say they are anti-piracy, pirate themselves.


 Better to be a hypocrite than lie to yourself.


You can pirate without spamming messageboards about how you're saving the world, and fighting a war against EVIL GAME DEVELPORS AND MUSICIANS!!!  I get tired of hearing people justify their crimes.  Just do it, if you get busted, accept it and stop whining.


Copying other people's work does absolutely nothing for society, and if it weren't condemned, you wouldn't have anything to copy except for homebrew crap.

PC + Wii owners unite.  Our last-gen dying platforms have access to nearly every 90+ rated game this gen.  Building a PC that visually outperforms PS360 is cheap and easy.    Oct 7th 2010 predictions (made Dec 17th '08)
PC: 10^9
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