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Forums - Sales Discussion - When will WII sales die down?

ZenfoldorVGI said:
Griffin said:
From my understanding the wii sales are down this in year in Japan. The wii sales have also lowered in NA over the past two months or something. And i'm not sure about Europe.


I'm not sure that is correct at all. On what do you base this understanding? Do you claim that supply has been met in North America? Haven't you claimed that before, in many other instances, only to have been ultimately wrong? I'm asking.

Don't you simply dislike the Wii, and don't you hope it does poorly?

I think you're a biased source, making assumptions based on what you hope, and cherrypicking information to suit those hopes.

You basically said, "The Wii has already lost steam."

That's a laugh.

I also believe that you knew about the dominance in Others, but pretended not to. Do you deny this alligation?

EDIT: Looks like i typed a lot, i just hope it explains some of the questions you had asked, if not just ask away again and i'll try to answer them all.

I'm correct about the wii sales in japan, as i posted data supporting the fact in another post.  I'm not saying supply has been meet in all places in NA, different cities and regions have different demographics and this could account for more wii sales in one part of the coutry to the other.  But this sites data has showed declining wii sales data for the months of June, July and August. 

Nintendo has also shipped a lot less wii's then they make and have over stuffed certain channels in Europe and Japan.  This accounts for certain areas of NA which have seen lower then expected wii shipments.  My claims were that the wii would be in stock in all places by sometime in july, but based on the facts presented in my thread about wii stock in areas i pushed back my date to the end of August.  But the wii is in far greater supply now then it has been all year and Nintendo has not tried to fix the wii problem.

Yes i dislike the wii, but i don't hope it does poorly.  I just hope it does not go to far ahead in the sales to create a massive lead like the Playstations have had in the past.  But i have always thought it would do well and sales of 100mil would be reached.

"Biased source" I don't think so, i have never lied in any of my posts regarding wii sales or stock at retail stores where i live.  I don't really make assumptions or "cherrypick data" to support my claims. They are all based on facts and atleast some research before i post them.

I don't think i said anywhere "the wii has lost steam" i posted statements based on facts.  The holiday season has not started yet so wii sales are going to be low until then.  Next year wii sales will no doubt pick up steam as games started in 2007 start to come out and show up on the radar for early 2010 releases.

"I also believe that you knew about the dominance in Others, but pretended not to. Do you deny this alligation?"

I know the wii is dominating each week in Europe in comparsion to the other systems, but i had no idea how it was doing in comparsion to last year.

Around the Network

Wii sales continue to be the strongest in the industry. That is not going to change.

If anything, given the price structure of the other two consoles and the current economic health of the world, its sales may increase relative to the other two (and I know the Arcade Xbox 360 is now cheaper than the Wii globally but after an initial surge I doubt it will have/has had any long-term significant sales impact).

Thus, all the predictions of the Wii stopping selling are as meaningful as they were last year and the year before and before the console was released. Which means they are not.

What some people fail to grasp is that the Wii offers a different experience than the HD consoles, because of its motion controls and because of its game selection. There are some gamers who feel slighted by this. But there are far more who apparently feel enthused.

Mike from Morgantown


I am Mario.

I like to jump around, and would lead a fairly serene and aimless existence if it weren't for my friends always getting into trouble. I love to help out, even when it puts me at risk. I seem to make friends with people who just can't stay out of trouble.

Wii Friend Code: 1624 6601 1126 1492


Depends what you mean by slow down.... after all PS2 "slowed down" in 2003 because it didn't manage the same sales as 2002.

If that is your definition, I expectWii sales to peak in 2009 or 2010, which means it will slow down in 2010 or 2011.

Wii sales have already slowed down. GTA killed the Wii. I read it on this forum, so it must be true.

My Website

End of 2008 totals: Wii 42m, 360 24m, PS3 18.5m (made Jan. 4, 2008)

Like the PS2 before it the Wii will never lose popularity until the next generation (specifically a Wii 2 or Wii2-like console) begins.

It's not the 'core' gamers that are keeping Wii going, it's everyone else. And since everyone else really doesn't care about 'core' gaming (or else there would be no such term as 'core' it'd be universal to all people) there's no limit to Wii sales. Avg Person is not going to 'wake up' in June 09 and say 'Oh damn, I coulda had a PS3'. No, Avg Person will be happy with a Wii. And until there's one in every household or something else that appeals to Dick and Jane even more than a Wii comes about (Apple?) there will be no loss of interest.


Around the Network

Somebody tell me when Doc Brown built his time machine that took us back to 2006. The Wii is not slowing down anytime soon. If anything sales will go up next year because more serious efforts from third party developers will start hitting retail shelves. The Wii hasn't received a price cut which is an indication that sales have not slowed down at all.

Well, Nintendo could do :

A Wii Sport SKU un Japan

A Wii Fit SKU everywhere...

A "Mario anything" SKU for Christmas...

A price drop

Differents colors...

A "platinium" line of games

A Sku with 4 Wiimotes

well, well, I would say, never die ???

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Griffin said:
famousringo said:
Griffin said:
From my understanding the wii sales are down this in year in Japan. The wii sales have also lowered in NA over the past two months or something. And i'm not sure about Europe.


First sentence is wrong. YTD sales of Wii in Japan are up from 2.1 million in 2007 to 2.6 million in 2008.

Second sentence is true relative to sales earlier this year, but again the Wii has sold more year-over-year in NA in this two-month time period.

As for Europe, Wii has gone from YTD sales of 2.4 million in '07 to a staggering 5.4 million so far in 2008! Maybe there is something to that wacky currency value theory that some people use to explain continued shortages in NA...

My first sentence is right, you just had it backwards.

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 06th Jan 2007 to 01st Sep 2007:

Console    Wii

VGChartz Hardware data for the period 05th Jan 2008 to 06th Sep 2008:

Console    Wii



Whoops, my mistake.

I'm still blown away by those EU sales, though.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

This poster doesn't waste anytime showing his true colors. How many of these threads do we need? I swear there's one every other month.

Prepare for termination! It is the only logical thing to do, for I am only loyal to Megatron.

Wii sales will die down May 22, 2009. I know this because I'm from the future and it's the only frikkin way possible to know when Wii will die down before the next generation starts.

The rEVOLution is not being televised