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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Resistance 2 is the best looking console shooter this year.

Enough with the WWII crap. Game takes place in the 50's, WWII ended in the 40's.

So this is not a done to death WWII shooter.

Game looks beautiful by the way.

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As someone who has played R1 and GeoW, I can honestly say out of those to games R1 is the one I favored. In fact I loved R1 and dreded every moment I played GeoW. However, I for some reason am not very exited about R2, and really looking forward to GeoW2. Even with the new effects I just don't like the graphics in R2. To me it looks like they took the art from Uncharted and downgraded it, were Gears 2 looks like a very nice jump from GeoW and for me Uncharted and GeoW are the best looking games out right now.

Really it all comes down to what people like to see. Some people hate dark colors w/ neon effects, some people hate vibrant colors w/ life. Personally, I like anything as long as it looks sharp, and to me Uncharted, Gears, and Killzone look the sharpest of any games shown so far. R2 just looks like the next level down.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


Tough to formulate a valid opinion without having both games running in front of me.

R2 is clearly a huge improvement over Resistance, so in that respect, it should be more impressive to those who liked the original.

Gears 2 on the other hand, while noticeably improved (it looks much cleaner for starters, as opposed to the "wet muddy" textures that were wrapped around just about everything in the original), is not as big of a jump visually, simply because the original had already set the bar extremely high. It still has some of the best visuals on the 360, two years after it was released.

All the shots circulating around would seem to suggest that Gears 2 will set the bar again for the 360 with some of the best visuals yet seen on the platform.

I'm buying both either way, so the real test will ultimately be which game will I end up playing more due to being a better overall experience in terms of addictive game play, interesting weapons, interesting story/characters and overall fun factor.

I love both games by the way, I am picking up both of them without question, but is it just me or is every Gears 2 shot posted here so far full of just Gray and Orange while the Resistance 2 shots are all full of color?

In the Gears pic with the car on the bottom left corner the grass is a dark mossy color and why in the hell does the tree have dark green leaves and gray trunk and branches? This is the same thing I hate so far about KZ2. Lack of color.

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talkingparrot said:

4. An INSANE amount of character detail.  While doing ALL of what I mentioned before, the game manages to have characters as detailed as Metal Gear Solid 4's Snake.  Look at this guy:


 You really had me laughing when you mentioned character detail.  The character detail in R2 is horrendous compared to Geow2.  i mean look at the main character's hand in the second picture you posted in this thread.

Edit: Oops someone else already pointed out the fact that GeoW2 destroys R2 when it comes to textures.

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I do think Resistance looks better to be honest, mainly due to the fact the game has color and not dull shades of gray with some mixed in dark greens and massive amounts of orange.

Gears 2 with some color however would be a wet dream.

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Gears of War 2 looks way better. Resistance 2 is just plain looking. Where are the textures?

resistance wins by one big factor.
there is COLOR.

After a certain point, I just can't tell the minute differences anymore (and care even less about them). They both look amazing. Abso-fucking-lutely beautiful. I can say with confidence both look quite a bit better than Halo 3, but I can't honestly say if either looks better than the other (not to mention that we also can't tell until the release. So many games that have had amazing screenshots and videos only to have terrible pop-in and frame-rate when released).

once again how can we judge games that are not out yet?

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