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Forums - Gaming Discussion - I'm 23 years old and I LOVE POKEMON

Im about to be 21, and rite now, in this moment, im playing pokemon yellow version....found it days ago, im already heading for the 2nd gym =D i like the games...well, the RPGs ones...not the ones for the home consoles. I hope they make one hand held type game for the wii....with all the gyms and pokemons...and everything!!!! that would be awesome

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I'm 23 and I admire your courage.... and jigglypuff.

I loved Pokemon before R/S if that counts...

rendo said:

I've been playing pokemon since I was about 11 and I haven't stopped since.  There's so much more to the game.  It's so simple yet so complex at the same time.  I can't help myself.  EVs, IVs, Breeding, Battling, Natures, Hold Items, and more. 

People give me looks like I'm crazy when they see me playing.  They see me as an adult that plays a kiddy game.  I say bah to them all!  The game is great, the anime... not so much.

Who else is with me?  Who else is a full grown man that has seen real boobies, maybe even has kids and still plays Pokemon?

Pokemon is not considered all...the anime makes it appear kiddy, while the game involves A LOT of math, critical thinking, strategy and science. Even most of the kids who play the games where I work at (school age; I do childcare for the time being for my major in education for marine biology) hardly understand the concept how to increase the stats of the characters. And the way they make the movesets is just...awful.

The anime draws the children in to play the game, yet the kids will hardly understand the concept of the games. My neighbors have twin sons and they are into both Power Rangers and watch Pokemon. When I had brought my Wii over for them to watch me play PBR, they had no freaking idea how I played the game.

Count me in! I'm 26 years old, I believe I might have seen boobies on the internet one time, and I love Pokemon!

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I'll be playing pokemon 5 years even after the serious dies. Most likely more. Doesn't matter what people think, what matters is what you enjoy.

4 ≈ One

I used to love Pokemon back in the day... would watch the show every morning before catching the bus. Then of course it suffered the same fate as all Nintendo franchises do, as basically each installment just became a rehash of the last just repackaged with a pretty new name and some new or exclusive Pokemon.

If Nintendo were to actually put out a fully realized 3-D open world adventure that fans have been clamoring for since day 1, I'd be all over it. Instead we get the same game repackaged over and over, and occasionally the console offshoot that's nothing more than a hub for battling your handheld pokemon in a 3-D arena.

You'd think by now with the Wii as popular as it is we'd be chucking virtual pokeballs with our Wiimotes and battling our friends online or going on quests for badges in a fully 3-D world, but nah, as long as parents and their kids keep buying the same game over and over again it'll never happen.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Naraku_Diabolos said:
rendo said:

I've been playing pokemon since I was about 11 and I haven't stopped since.  There's so much more to the game.  It's so simple yet so complex at the same time.  I can't help myself.  EVs, IVs, Breeding, Battling, Natures, Hold Items, and more. 

People give me looks like I'm crazy when they see me playing.  They see me as an adult that plays a kiddy game.  I say bah to them all!  The game is great, the anime... not so much.

Who else is with me?  Who else is a full grown man that has seen real boobies, maybe even has kids and still plays Pokemon?

Pokemon is not considered all...the anime makes it appear kiddy, while the game involves A LOT of math, critical thinking, strategy and science. Even most of the kids who play the games where I work at (school age; I do childcare for the time being for my major in education for marine biology) hardly understand the concept how to increase the stats of the characters. And the way they make the movesets is just...awful.

The anime draws the children in to play the game, yet the kids will hardly understand the concept of the games. My neighbors have twin sons and they are into both Power Rangers and watch Pokemon. When I had brought my Wii over for them to watch me play PBR, they had no freaking idea how I played the game.

Most people don't understand that part, which is what I love most about it.  The game itself is so simple, yet beneath all the simplicity there's the complex breeding, raising and attack selection that I find enjoyable.  Common, non pokemon players don't know about this and why would you expect them to?

They just see it as that game their grandkids or kids play so why the hell is that hairy man beast playing it? :P


I'm 20, and I agree!

Never cared for it.