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I used to love Pokemon back in the day... would watch the show every morning before catching the bus. Then of course it suffered the same fate as all Nintendo franchises do, as basically each installment just became a rehash of the last just repackaged with a pretty new name and some new or exclusive Pokemon.

If Nintendo were to actually put out a fully realized 3-D open world adventure that fans have been clamoring for since day 1, I'd be all over it. Instead we get the same game repackaged over and over, and occasionally the console offshoot that's nothing more than a hub for battling your handheld pokemon in a 3-D arena.

You'd think by now with the Wii as popular as it is we'd be chucking virtual pokeballs with our Wiimotes and battling our friends online or going on quests for badges in a fully 3-D world, but nah, as long as parents and their kids keep buying the same game over and over again it'll never happen.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.