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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 2 New Star Ocean 4 Screens + Artwork

selnor said:
CrazzyMan said:
BTW, the difference between NEXTGEN and HD. =)

Your point? Because SO looks way better. That pic with that huge ass guy wins all those pics there. Next.



i think the 3rd one down looks the best by far to be honest.


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mrstickball said:


Mrstickball's comment:

Wow. Looks like Microsoft's money has been WELL SPENT. Graphics look ungodly if that first shot is indeed real time rendering. Why do we need Final Fantasy again?

if the 2nd screen is indeed ingame then i am impressed, the first screen looks like a pile of #@$! sorry but it does


bobobologna said:
Wait a minute. Why are some of you guys so damn excited for the FOURTH entry into an RPG series? mrstickball, have you ever played SO1/2/3? I mean, you obviously are very excited for this game, and looking at your games list, you clearly have a PS2. So you must have played the game, not liked it enough to add it to your games list, and yet are mysteriously excited for the fourth entry. Or you have never played it, and are getting excited about the fourth game in an RPG series for no particular reason. I mean, forgive me if I'm wrong, and you loved SO3 and just never added it to your list, but from what I can tell, it's one of the 2 scenarios I presented.


I played SO2, and still remember that commercial as how you can play forever with like 45 different ending. I also beat TTEoT and still have it. I am also excited about SO4, even though it isn't may favorite JRPG franchise, it is still a pretty good time and it has high production values, so I enjoy it.


What was the guy in SO2, Ashton, who had the two snakes off his shoulders? Also, there were two whole worlds to explore in SO2. SO2 was hard as hell, also, lol, I think there were like only savepoints ouside or something, been so long.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Pristine20 said:
sc94597 said:
FF used to be my favorite rpg series, but after they made XI an mmo, and XII horrible(imo) I don't have to much hopes for FFXIII. Now I'm finding alot of rpgs that are better than my favorite FF(VI) and I think the series is overrated. Especially by people who never played an FF game. Also I don't like the direction the series is taking, they are focusing too much on the visuals, and characters and forgetting the game play a lot of the time. FFXII had almost nothing that would distinguish it as a final fantasy and I really hope they go back to the roots with FFXIV. Also why is shiva a motorcycle? Seriously. I hope the series does become as good as I use to think it was again. As for star ocean, I never played it, but this does look like it will be quality, and It COULD be better than XIII to some. Aslo at the person who said " there are many action-adventures to play other than zelda. There aren't any that play the same. Okami is similar to zelda, but different, metroid prime 3 is really different from zelda, Uncharted the same, and GTAIV also the same. So there isn't anywhere else where you could get the zelda experience, but there are many rpgs that take the FF style. So I think you should use another example.


So when they make one that you don't like, the series becomes overrated regardless of how many people still like it? Its okay to like something else but putting down FF for it is unacceptable. You blame FF because other RPG's copy its style? Its seems to me that they're copying its style because of its appel thus making it an excellent series just like after gears introduce the cover system, it was copied left and right. You're quick to damn FF but ready to praise Star Ocean that you've never played because of two screenshots?

Make one I don't like? Let me see. These are my opinions on each of the gams since the Snes. 

IV= Exellent but there is better.

V= Never played too much into it, but I liked it.

VI- My favorite, and in my top ten rpgs, but I've played better.

VII- Average imo, and the most overated of the series.

VIII- It was pretty bad compared to others in the series, but still ok.

IX- Excellent game, but still better.

X- Good.

XI- I only played it once, but hated that they made a main series FF an mmo.

XII- Horrible, battle system, story, and left out most of what made FF an FF game.

Now tell me that based on my opinions I don't think its overrated. When people say FFXIII will be the best rpg this gen, and nothing will come even close because its a main series final fantasy, that isn't overrating? They act like nothing can come even close to it, but there are many games that have and surpassed it. Also did you read my post at all? I said star ocean looks like it could be the better  game to some people and seems to have alot of effort put into it. Is that praising it?



obieslut said:
selnor said:
CrazzyMan said:
BTW, the difference between NEXTGEN and HD. =)

Your point? Because SO looks way better. That pic with that huge ass guy wins all those pics there. Next.



i think the 3rd one down looks the best by far to be honest.


The 3rd one has far less detail in the character. Take the HDR ighting which is nicely provided by the angle of the shot and it's extremely ordinary.



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pearljammer said:
sc94597 said:
FF used to be my favorite rpg series, but after they made XI an mmo, and XII horrible(imo) I don't have to much hopes for FFXIII. Now I'm finding alot of rpgs that are better than my favorite FF(VI) and I think the series is overrated. Especially by people who never played an FF game. Also I don't like the direction the series is taking, they are focusing too much on the visuals, and characters and forgetting the game play a lot of the time. FFXII had almost nothing that would distinguish it as a final fantasy and I really hope they go back to the roots with FFXIV. Also why is shiva a motorcycle? Seriously. I hope the series does become as good as I use to think it was again. As for star ocean, I never played it, but this does look like it will be quality, and It COULD be better than XIII to some. Aslo at the person who said " there are many action-adventures to play other than zelda. There aren't any that play the same. Okami is similar to zelda, but different, metroid prime 3 is really different from zelda, Uncharted the same, and GTAIV also the same. So there isn't anywhere else where you could get the zelda experience, but there are many rpgs that take the FF style. So I think you should use another example.


First bolded: Uh, are you sure you have that the right way? FFXI and XII focused very little on character and very much on gameplay and is partially responsible for the the game(s) ill response. I would argue most love FF for its characters, its stories, and its overall atmosphere for that reason alone Second bolded: That isn't what I said. Please do not misquote me. The OP said that while having SO4, who would need FF. Now if you had played SO, you would know that it isn't much like FF at all, other than they are both RPG's. I just simply said that the two comments were analogous in that both series offer distinct playing experiences.

Third bolded: Sure you can say that FF has more clones, I certainly wouldn't argue. Typically, what seperates FF from other RPG's are its characters, its worlds, story, but rarely its gameplay. Hell, most RPG's play the same, namely turn-based RPG's. Experience and style are very much two different things. I don't think there is anywhere else I can get either a FF or Zelda experience but there are many games where I can see their style:

FF- Lost Oddyssey

Zelda- Shadow of the Colossus, Dark Cloud

I think the example is more than adequate.

I agree with everything else other than the first statement. If square-enix tried so much to bring gameplay, I would have had more fun with the game. Imo the battle sytem of FFXII is horrible, and doesn't suit the series at all. Firstly I love turn-base more than real time so I may be a little bias there, but the gambit system was like it was playing for you. There was far more grinding than most FF games, and there was less of a Final Fantasy atmosphere. Now if they were truly trying to focus on the gameplay I would expect much better. As for everything else the characters were dull, the story was horrible, and like I said before there was barely anything in the game that is recognizable of FF. So I believe the game failed on all aspects. At least FFXIII seems to got rid of some of the stuff I hated by FFXII judging by that short amount of gameplay footage.

.:Dark Prince:. said:
The first pic is definitely not a CGI. Maybe a cutscene using the in-game engine.


 That's what I meant.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
bobobologna said:
Wait a minute. Why are some of you guys so damn excited for the FOURTH entry into an RPG series? mrstickball, have you ever played SO1/2/3? I mean, you obviously are very excited for this game, and looking at your games list, you clearly have a PS2. So you must have played the game, not liked it enough to add it to your games list, and yet are mysteriously excited for the fourth entry. Or you have never played it, and are getting excited about the fourth game in an RPG series for no particular reason. I mean, forgive me if I'm wrong, and you loved SO3 and just never added it to your list, but from what I can tell, it's one of the 2 scenarios I presented.


I played SO2, and still remember that commercial as how you can play forever with like 45 different ending. I also beat TTEoT and still have it. I am also excited about SO4, even though it isn't may favorite JRPG franchise, it is still a pretty good time and it has high production values, so I enjoy it.


What was the guy in SO2, Ashton, who had the two snakes off his shoulders? Also, there were two whole worlds to explore in SO2. SO2 was hard as hell, also, lol, I think there were like only savepoints ouside or something, been so long. post wasn't really aimed at people who have enjoyed Star Ocean games in the past.

Wow a guy with a sword and a girl with a bow, that looks soo much different than Infinite Undiscovery. /sarcasm




sc94597 said:
pearljammer said:
sc94597 said:
FF used to be my favorite rpg series, but after they made XI an mmo, and XII horrible(imo) I don't have to much hopes for FFXIII. Now I'm finding alot of rpgs that are better than my favorite FF(VI) and I think the series is overrated. Especially by people who never played an FF game. Also I don't like the direction the series is taking, they are focusing too much on the visuals, and characters and forgetting the game play a lot of the time. FFXII had almost nothing that would distinguish it as a final fantasy and I really hope they go back to the roots with FFXIV. Also why is shiva a motorcycle? Seriously. I hope the series does become as good as I use to think it was again. As for star ocean, I never played it, but this does look like it will be quality, and It COULD be better than XIII to some. Aslo at the person who said " there are many action-adventures to play other than zelda. There aren't any that play the same. Okami is similar to zelda, but different, metroid prime 3 is really different from zelda, Uncharted the same, and GTAIV also the same. So there isn't anywhere else where you could get the zelda experience, but there are many rpgs that take the FF style. So I think you should use another example.


First bolded: Uh, are you sure you have that the right way? FFXI and XII focused very little on character and very much on gameplay and is partially responsible for the the game(s) ill response. I would argue most love FF for its characters, its stories, and its overall atmosphere for that reason alone Second bolded: That isn't what I said. Please do not misquote me. The OP said that while having SO4, who would need FF. Now if you had played SO, you would know that it isn't much like FF at all, other than they are both RPG's. I just simply said that the two comments were analogous in that both series offer distinct playing experiences.

Third bolded: Sure you can say that FF has more clones, I certainly wouldn't argue. Typically, what seperates FF from other RPG's are its characters, its worlds, story, but rarely its gameplay. Hell, most RPG's play the same, namely turn-based RPG's. Experience and style are very much two different things. I don't think there is anywhere else I can get either a FF or Zelda experience but there are many games where I can see their style:

FF- Lost Oddyssey

Zelda- Shadow of the Colossus, Dark Cloud

I think the example is more than adequate.

I agree with everything else other than the first statement. If square-enix tried so much to bring gameplay, I would have had more fun with the game. Imo the battle sytem of FFXII is horrible, and doesn't suit the series at all. Firstly I love turn-base more than real time so I may be a little bias there, but the gambit system was like it was playing for you. There was far more grinding than most FF games, and there was less of a Final Fantasy atmosphere. Now if they were truly trying to focus on the gameplay I would expect much better. As for everything else the characters were dull, the story was horrible, and like I said before there was barely anything in the game that is recognizable of FF. So I believe the game failed on all aspects. At least FFXIII seems to got rid of some of the stuff I hated by FFXII judging by that short amount of gameplay footage.

You may not have enjoyed the gameplay in XII (like some others) but I sincerely believe that it was the focus of this game. Like you, I hope there is a major improvement in story and character developent but I really do like the direction they're taking the gameplay.