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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - 2 New Star Ocean 4 Screens + Artwork

ZenfoldorVGI said:


Wow, that girl is dead sexy hot. Wewwwwhewwww!!!


And you can tell that the guy is a guy!

Former something....

Around the Network
mrstickball said:
Euphoria -

Most likely, SO4 will be a full exclusive if it manages a high amount of sales.

And who says SO4 isn't quality - the pictures prove that SO4 is graphically on the level of FFXIII, it seems.

It'll probably come to the PS3, I have a feeling, no proof, but a good feeling in my gut.


I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Blacksaber said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


Wow, that girl is dead sexy hot. Wewwwwhewwww!!!


And you can tell that the guy is a guy!

You mean there's a guy in that photo


Blacksaber said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


Wow, that girl is dead sexy hot. Wewwwwhewwww!!!


And you can tell that the guy is a guy!


LoL, what? You miss my point human, you miss it entirely.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Griffin said:
Blacksaber said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


Wow, that girl is dead sexy hot. Wewwwwhewwww!!!


And you can tell that the guy is a guy!

You mean there's a guy in that photo


Yeah I'm a little brain dead thanks to NMH and Okami....


Former something....

Around the Network
Blacksaber said:
Griffin said:
Blacksaber said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:


Wow, that girl is dead sexy hot. Wewwwwhewwww!!!


And you can tell that the guy is a guy!

You mean there's a guy in that photo


Yeah I'm a little brain dead thanks to NMH and Okami....



I am BaaaaaDDD drunk.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


FTR, usually I prefer FF but I did buy 12, and 12 did suck. Production qualities are great in 12 and get 10/10. The gameplay 7/10. The graphics in game 8/10. The fun factor and story 4/10.

The game and story were just not fun and not engaging to me (IMO), just like the entire SO series (IMO).

If you like SO or FFXII, good for you, I am glad that you have a game you like. I just don't like all the posters calling non-fans crazy, etc.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

sc94597 said:
FF used to be my favorite rpg series, but after they made XI an mmo, and XII horrible(imo) I don't have to much hopes for FFXIII. Now I'm finding alot of rpgs that are better than my favorite FF(VI) and I think the series is overrated. Especially by people who never played an FF game. Also I don't like the direction the series is taking, they are focusing too much on the visuals, and characters and forgetting the game play a lot of the time. FFXII had almost nothing that would distinguish it as a final fantasy and I really hope they go back to the roots with FFXIV. Also why is shiva a motorcycle? Seriously. I hope the series does become as good as I use to think it was again. As for star ocean, I never played it, but this does look like it will be quality, and It COULD be better than XIII to some. Aslo at the person who said " there are many action-adventures to play other than zelda. There aren't any that play the same. Okami is similar to zelda, but different, metroid prime 3 is really different from zelda, Uncharted the same, and GTAIV also the same. So there isn't anywhere else where you could get the zelda experience, but there are many rpgs that take the FF style. So I think you should use another example.


First bolded: Uh, are you sure you have that the right way? FFXI and XII focused very little on character and very much on gameplay and is partially responsible for the the game(s) ill response. I would argue most love FF for its characters, its stories, and its overall atmosphere for that reason alone.

Second bolded: That isn't what I said. Please do not misquote me. The OP said that while having SO4, who would need FF. Now if you had played SO, you would know that it isn't much like FF at all, other than they are both RPG's. I just simply said that the two comments were analogous in that both series offer distinct playing experiences.

Third bolded: Sure you can say that FF has more clones, I certainly wouldn't argue. Typically, what seperates FF from other RPG's are its characters, its worlds, story, but rarely its gameplay. Hell, most RPG's play the same, namely turn-based RPG's. Experience and style are very much two different things. I don't think there is anywhere else I can get either a FF or Zelda experience but there are many games where I can see their style:

FF- Lost Oddyssey

Zelda- Shadow of the Colossus, Dark Cloud

I think the example is more than adequate.

Pristine20 said:
mrstickball said:
Earlier question about disc size and RPGs:

For BD and LO (I own both, mind you), the reason they were 3-4 disks wasn't due to the size of the games, but entirely due to the cutscenes. Both games had at least 1hr, if not close to 2hrs, of HD cutscenes. Since HD cutscenes take up, oh, 3-4x more memory than an SD cutscene...You can fill a regular size DVD very quickly (which is why many PS3 games, ala MGS4, have many cutscenes).

About "who needs FF", my reasoning is that SO4 looks awesome. Everyone bills the Final Fantasy series as some sort of un-touchable mammoth of a series. However, SO4 looks awesome, and is actually taking a Sci-Fi approach to the RPG genre, rather than a half-cocked one that FF and other carbon-copies take. This makes me excited that we might see a game do Sci-Fi right.

Half-cocked? For starters, SO3 started off looking sci-fi but ended up with the main character crashing on a medeival planet and using swords and guns anyway in typical FF-type scenarios so in a way, its also somewhat of a carbon copy. Secondly, FF is highly respected as a series because it created the JRPG crowd that now exists today. I preferred SMT:DDS & DDS2 to FF12 but they are all excellent games so there's no need to put one down to praise the other.




 I'm referring to the oh-so many (especially FF anymore) "industrial/magical revolution" ideas that seemed to begin when FF6 came about, that mix magical devices with rennisance-era machinery. I'm getting sick of it all, really. Even LO was that way. Either give me Fantasy (FF9, Tales of) or Sci-Fi (Mass Effect, Phantasy Star)

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

pearljammer said:
sc94597 said:
FF used to be my favorite rpg series, but after they made XI an mmo, and XII horrible(imo) I don't have to much hopes for FFXIII. Now I'm finding alot of rpgs that are better than my favorite FF(VI) and I think the series is overrated. Especially by people who never played an FF game. Also I don't like the direction the series is taking, they are focusing too much on the visuals, and characters and forgetting the game play a lot of the time. FFXII had almost nothing that would distinguish it as a final fantasy and I really hope they go back to the roots with FFXIV. Also why is shiva a motorcycle? Seriously. I hope the series does become as good as I use to think it was again. As for star ocean, I never played it, but this does look like it will be quality, and It COULD be better than XIII to some. Aslo at the person who said " there are many action-adventures to play other than zelda. There aren't any that play the same. Okami is similar to zelda, but different, metroid prime 3 is really different from zelda, Uncharted the same, and GTAIV also the same. So there isn't anywhere else where you could get the zelda experience, but there are many rpgs that take the FF style. So I think you should use another example.


First bolded: Uh, are you sure you have that the right way? FFXI and XII focused very little on character and very much on gameplay and is partially responsible for the the game(s) ill response. I would argue most love FF for its characters, its stories, and its overall atmosphere for that reason alone.

Second bolded: That isn't what I said. Please do not misquote me. The OP said that while having SO4, who would need FF. Now if you had played SO, you would know that it isn't much like FF at all, other than they are both RPG's. I just simply said that the two comments were analogous in that both series offer distinct playing experiences.

Third bolded: Sure you can say that FF has more clones, I certainly wouldn't argue. Typically, what seperates FF from other RPG's are its characters, its worlds, story, but rarely its gameplay. Hell, most RPG's play the same, namely turn-based RPG's. Experience and style are very much two different things. I don't think there is anywhere else I can get either a FF or Zelda experience but there are many games where I can see their style:

FF- Lost Oddyssey

Zelda- Shadow of the Colossus, Dark Cloud

I think the example is more than adequate.

Agreed.  Lost Odyssey is the closest we have to a JRPG that has the same style as FF