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Forums - Gaming Discussion - It begins the creator of GEARS OF WAR calls MGS4 " passive entertainment"

Fishie said:
DTG said:

Also, Kojima has altered his games previously to please his fanbase and one could argue that MGS4 defines the word fanservice. He made the game the fans wanted him to make.


If that were true than MGS4 wouldn't resemble MGS2 so cosely in it's narrative approach. An extremely cutscene heavy game with a often confusing narrative focusing on expressing Kojima's thematic ambitions in touching upon the realms of philosophy and politics. MGS1 and MGS3 were hardly divise compared to the backlash which MGS2 and now MGS4 is recieving. Kojima could have played it safe and cut back on the exposition as he did in MGS3, but he didn't and in the process created what is the most thematic game since Killer 7.

Play it safe by copying the worst selling instalment of the franchise?

Something tells me you didnt entirely think your response trough.



A big part of the reason why MGS3 is the worst selling installment in the franchise is because of the backlash after MGS2. Your one liner replies devoid of any self analysis speek volumes of how deeply you think through your own responses.

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what i dont understand is how fanboys need to change the argument to what is better when it started out as do you think MGS$ is a slower paced game then GOW........not do you think its a better game.....some kids


DTG said:


Maybe a more "playable" game but not a better one. No artist compromises his work for the sake of mainstream approval or it is no longer true art. Storyline should be the foundation of any video game and the gameplay should be built and molded around the plot not vice versa. It's a question of intellect vs. mindless entertainment and which we value more. The intellect is contained within the messages of the storyline and should not be amended merely for fun gameplay.

Kojima's design philosophy is building the gameplay around the storyline and prioritizing the later -making no compromises to the messages he wishes to convey in the name of throaway entertainment -which is how it should be.

 Bullshit. Video games do not require a storyline to be amazing. Wii Sports will be the game that defines this generation, and it has nothing resembling a story in it. Your arrogance on this subject is so obnoxious I really can't keep quiet anymore. Tetris, Super Mario Bros, Contra, and a host of other games that launched the industry have no story what-so-ever and are not "mindless entertainment." Tetris has you constantly thinking, analyzing, and problem solving in order to get the desired effects. Thinking as many moves ahead as you can in order to not lose at quicker and quicker paces.

 To go the classical route pulls it more in my favor as well. Would you call Chess mindless entertainment? What about Go? I would highly doubt it. A good game of poker requires more of you mind than 90% of the philosophy books I have ever read and it can't have a story.

 This absurd elitist notion that games most have a huge epic story to be worth-while seriously sickens me. To look down on a master work of art just because it doesn't have all the qualities you think the artist should have included is nothing short of hypocritical given what you have said. An artists vision should not be compromised by anything at all. Sometimes that does not require, or even involve a story though. Maybe he is just trying to get you to think quickly and solve a puzzle. Perhaps he is trying to get you to think through the persons shoes and imagine what you would do in the exact same scenario. Maybe he is just trying to create a world that is amazing to be a part of like some of the greatest authors ever have done (hai2u Tolkein, Rowling, and Adams).

 Get off your high horse and try to actually argue your point rather than look down your nose at the inferior games out there that can't possible measure up to what you think a game should be. You want to argue that MGS4 is the pinnacle of cinematic storylines, well thats fine. Whatever. I have never managed to finish the first one, so I doubt I will ever play the fourth enough to be able to disagree. To claim that every artist should adhere to your concept of what a game is while simultaneously saying no artist should compromise his vision is contradictory at best though. This debate will never remain civil from what I've seen, but you can at least not throw fuel on the fire.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

Thanks dude, you made me replying yet again to him redundant.

Fishie said:
Thanks dude, you made me replying yet again to him redundant.

 You can still do a one line zinger to try and rile him up more rather than actually making a coherant point if you want to. My long rant is no substitute for pure flame bait designed to keep MGS4 fans continue to reply to your obvious trolling.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

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Gnizmo said:
Fishie said:
Thanks dude, you made me replying yet again to him redundant.

 You can still do a one line zinger to try and rile him up more rather than actually making a coherant point if you want to. My long rant is no substitute for pure flame bait designed to keep MGS4 fans continue to reply to your obvious trolling.


 This is nothing, you should check out my thread.

el_rika said:
Ian said:
As I mentioned earlier, I think Cliff is just being rude here and has not earned the right to be so arrogant.

Kojima should be commended for his efforts to bring story telling and gaming together. The game/movie that is Metal Gear 4 is a very cool idea. I hope Cliff is wrong, and we see more things like this (if the gaming industry is big enough for Wiifit then why not a movie/game?)

That said, Kojima's work should also be seen for what it is, a hybrid of corny comic book story telling and games, but nothing more.

Don't get me wrong, the production values, camera angles, voice acting, character models, and animation of his cut scences are excellent. But it is very definately a comic book style event, and even then there are some problems with it's excecution (no not their length or lack of interactiveness).

If I were going to point out a few of the most glaring issues with these scences it would be that he has crammed way too much into the story and as a result it jumps around from idea to idea way too much, the story and the points it's trying to make lack cohesion, the delivery of often complex ideas are both overly explained and under developed, almost to the point of being preechy or condesending to the audience, and the dialog between characters is often unnatural and overly verbose.

The best story tellers say more with less, not the other way around.
On the other hand, if you look at it like a corny comic book, it's pure gold.

..that's because you compare it to a western/Hollywood type of movie/script/direction, which is the worse thing you could do. It is like trying to write with your feet and walk on your hands. In other words you are looking at the picture all wrong. You should take it for what it is not for what you think it should be.

The storytelling in MGS games is the purest anime way of storytelling (think Berserk or Evanghelion). It is a style loved by easterns and (i'm generalising here a bit) hated by westerns. It is very heavy handed, with tons of background informations, goofy humour, overblown melodrama, subtle ironies and strong messages and it is targeted to the more patience people. But saying it is bad is pure ignorance. It is like saying Shakespeare was bad 'cose it used rhymes. It is just different from what you know. 

And your last sentences are somewhat contradictory. A manga (anime comic book) does say more with less. Let's take Berserk for example. There are no fancy special effects or famous actors to enhance the experience like in a Holywood blockbuster, just pure storytelling with a brilliant script and amazingly deep and unpredictable character development which puts it next to any Oscar winning Hollywood drama if not above. 

So yes, i agree, MGS4 is more of a digital anime/manga than a Holywood blockbuster and that's the very reason why it is so amazing.



I'm not comparing it to a Hollywood film (which is a pretty vague over genralization of anything made in Hollywood I might add).  I think the story has issues within it's own genre of story telling (comic book, anime). 

Here's a tiny example of how the script is flawed.  Throughout the game, everything is explained to Snake as though he has no previous knowledge of the world around him.  If snake is supposed to be some kind of War hero, and unless he's has been living under a rock all this time (chessy pun intended), why doesn't he know about these things.  Point is, the writer obviously needs to convey this information to the player, but has neglected to consider the fact that Snake should already know this stuff.  A good writer whould have included these details in a way that shows Snake knows about them, even has a deep knowlege of them from his experiences.

Here's another example-  throughout the dialog, characters take turns talking back and forth without ever interupting each other (it's very unrealistic, unnatural, and is a sign of an inexperienced movie director/screne writer).  I could go on and on...


Read my previous posts and you know I think what kojima has done is note worthy and that Cliff, as a spokes person for the industry, has no right to be publicly bad mouthing his creation.  But his story telling, even as a comic/anime, is no where near as good as other stories about similar things. 

As a gamer, I would have prefered a Metal Gear with two more chapters or so and half the cut scences with the same info in them? But that's just me.

“Metal Gear Solid is our example of the game we’re not doing. Passive entertainment is on its way out.”

I don't know if he said anything else, so I'll share my thoughts on this quote only.

Metal Gear Solid is a great example of a piece of passive entertainment. Actually, I cannot think of any better in the gaming industry today. The story requires no input from the player whatsoever. All you can do is zoom and move the camera about in the cutscenes. There are no dialog choices. There is no chance to develop snake as a character on your own. Basically, you're fed a story with no chance of interaction.

From what I've seen, read, and heard about the game it's just like playing a movie. Movies are passive entertainment.

Most games today are passive in this aspect. You are handed the experience, the story. You do not have to create it yourself. I would argue that Gears Of War is probably a very passive game too, but I think it relies less on parts without input from the player.

Moving away from this are games like Guitar Hero and Wii sports, that are all about the gaming experience. There's no story, and the experience is created by the player playing the game. Online games are most often also more about interaction and players creating their own experiences than them being fed these by developers.

All of this does not mean that Metal Gear Solid is a bad game. It only refers to the way it plays and the level of interaction between the player and the game. This means, as I understand it, that the quote above in no way should be read as cliffy saying that Metal Gear Solid 4 is a bad. Instead, try to read it as "We want to make a game where the player is always in control".

Moving on to the second part of that quote: "Passive entertainment is on its way out"

*points at the Wii, singstar, the sims, Guitar Hero, World of Warcraft...*

Gaming is changing, there's no denying that. The huge success of the new casual games is largely due to the fact that they are truly interactive. The players input creates the experience. The Singleplayer Adventure is slowly dying, passive gaming is on its way out.

This is invisible text!

DTG said:
HappySqurriel said:
Griffin said:

HappySqurriel said:

Although it is rare for me to agree with Cliffy B. I do agree with him here (although he said it in a kind of douche bag way) ... The fact is that the way Metal Gear Solid tells its story is inflexable and passive, and is (potentially) outdated when you compare it with other games like Half-Life or Bioshock.

HL has just about no story, its some sort of fetch quest game with 5mins of dialogue repeated for the entire series. It also has the worst driving in any game since the NES. Bioshock has just about no story with lots of fetch quests, it was a great idea, but was turned into a bad thing.

I don't know what game you're playing, but there is absolutely no driving in Half Life ... The story was brilliant for the time when it was released because it gives you the experience of being trapped in the Black-Mesa facility, and was the first cinematic game that didn't involve cut scenes.

Once again, I don't know what game you were playing but Bioshock had a pretty good story. The reason I choose Bioshock was because of the method it told the story was fairly good (through the use of diary-audio tapes which provided a mood for the game) and the fact that it approached issues without the need for a 20 Minute cut scene.

DTGs post demonstrates the problem with Metal gear more than anything else, a long conversation filled with really stupid filler in order to try to say something that could be summed up in a paragraph.


Stupid filler? That conversation is filled with profound ideas about society, the nature of truth, identity, free will vs determinism and others. Just because you and others disagree with the content of it or simply do not wish to understand it doesn't designate it "stupid filler" unless you call the works of Immanual Kant merely stupid filler as well.

I understand everything in there... because it's directly spells out everything in very simple terms... and it's all stuff that's run of the mill already talkied about stuff. There is no new or huge insight in any of that.

The fact that you actually attribute those ideas to Kojima is thoroughly laughable in the same way someone might write a few lines from plato and give the person plagerizing it the credit.

Seriously, for a real game with actual philosphical meaning... try out Killer 7. You can get it on PS2. Though admitdly the controlling is better on the cube. Though you like MGS so awkward battle controls shouldn't be too much an issue. That is a truley deep and philosophical game... that someone actually has to THINK about to get. Rather then just have everythign spelled out for you as if you were reading a philosphy for dummies book.

Also... Kobe Bryant doesn't prioritze 3 point shooting in basketball. My friend james does. Kobe Bryant could still beat my friend James in a 3pt contest.

Fishie said:
DTG said:
Fishie said:
DTG said:
Fishie said:
Riachu said:
Fishie said:
You want storytelling, go read a book.
You want cinematics, go see a movie.

Meanwhile quit ragging on Bioshock, a game that actually gave the player the opportunity to see more of the story as part of the actual GAME PLAY.

Game play, you know, that thing that seperates us from movies and books.
The thing that makes this particular artform more involved then the other two.

I am not ripping on Bioschock. I have only played a small part of it but it was one of my older brother's favorite games of last year


You could have fooled me when you said that Levine`s design decisions regarding the story were SHAMEFULL.



Actually I said that. It is shameful that Levine gave the storyline a backseat to the game design actually compromising the original plot in the name of gameplay.

Which made it a MUCH better game.

MGS4 would be a lot better then it is as well if they had ommited some of the story crap and added some actual beef to the crappy gameplay.



Maybe a more "playable" game but not a better one. No artist compromises his work for the sake of mainstream approval or it is no longer true art. Storyline should be the foundation of any video game and the gameplay should be built and molded around the plot not vice versa. It's a question of intellect vs. mindless entertainment and which we value more. The intellect is contained within the messages of the storyline and should not be amended merely for fun gameplay.

Kojima's design philosophy is building the gameplay around the storyline and prioritizing the later -making no compromises to the messages he wishes to convey in the name of throaway entertainment -which is how it should be.


Wow so Tetris and Pong must be the WORST GAMES EVAH?


Also, Kojima has altered his games previously to please his fanbase and one could argue that MGS4 defines the word fanservice. He made the game the fans wanted him to make.


If all you want is Tetris and Pong, then play those games.  Other people want more variety.

MGS4 is fanservice in the same way that Brawl is.  So what?  You should provide a good service to fans of the previous games when you are concluding a story, shouldn't you?

Also, you might want to stop attacking MGS4's gameplay, at least in this thread, because it was a lot more solid and varied than Gears...not to mention the gameplay elements in total are longer than Gears is.