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Fishie said:
DTG said:

Also, Kojima has altered his games previously to please his fanbase and one could argue that MGS4 defines the word fanservice. He made the game the fans wanted him to make.


If that were true than MGS4 wouldn't resemble MGS2 so cosely in it's narrative approach. An extremely cutscene heavy game with a often confusing narrative focusing on expressing Kojima's thematic ambitions in touching upon the realms of philosophy and politics. MGS1 and MGS3 were hardly divise compared to the backlash which MGS2 and now MGS4 is recieving. Kojima could have played it safe and cut back on the exposition as he did in MGS3, but he didn't and in the process created what is the most thematic game since Killer 7.

Play it safe by copying the worst selling instalment of the franchise?

Something tells me you didnt entirely think your response trough.



A big part of the reason why MGS3 is the worst selling installment in the franchise is because of the backlash after MGS2. Your one liner replies devoid of any self analysis speek volumes of how deeply you think through your own responses.