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Fishie said:
DTG said:
Fishie said:
DTG said:
Fishie said:
Riachu said:
Fishie said:
You want storytelling, go read a book.
You want cinematics, go see a movie.

Meanwhile quit ragging on Bioshock, a game that actually gave the player the opportunity to see more of the story as part of the actual GAME PLAY.

Game play, you know, that thing that seperates us from movies and books.
The thing that makes this particular artform more involved then the other two.

I am not ripping on Bioschock. I have only played a small part of it but it was one of my older brother's favorite games of last year


You could have fooled me when you said that Levine`s design decisions regarding the story were SHAMEFULL.



Actually I said that. It is shameful that Levine gave the storyline a backseat to the game design actually compromising the original plot in the name of gameplay.

Which made it a MUCH better game.

MGS4 would be a lot better then it is as well if they had ommited some of the story crap and added some actual beef to the crappy gameplay.



Maybe a more "playable" game but not a better one. No artist compromises his work for the sake of mainstream approval or it is no longer true art. Storyline should be the foundation of any video game and the gameplay should be built and molded around the plot not vice versa. It's a question of intellect vs. mindless entertainment and which we value more. The intellect is contained within the messages of the storyline and should not be amended merely for fun gameplay.

Kojima's design philosophy is building the gameplay around the storyline and prioritizing the later -making no compromises to the messages he wishes to convey in the name of throaway entertainment -which is how it should be.


Wow so Tetris and Pong must be the WORST GAMES EVAH?


Also, Kojima has altered his games previously to please his fanbase and one could argue that MGS4 defines the word fanservice. He made the game the fans wanted him to make.


If all you want is Tetris and Pong, then play those games.  Other people want more variety.

MGS4 is fanservice in the same way that Brawl is.  So what?  You should provide a good service to fans of the previous games when you are concluding a story, shouldn't you?

Also, you might want to stop attacking MGS4's gameplay, at least in this thread, because it was a lot more solid and varied than Gears...not to mention the gameplay elements in total are longer than Gears is.