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DTG said:
HappySqurriel said:
Griffin said:

HappySqurriel said:

Although it is rare for me to agree with Cliffy B. I do agree with him here (although he said it in a kind of douche bag way) ... The fact is that the way Metal Gear Solid tells its story is inflexable and passive, and is (potentially) outdated when you compare it with other games like Half-Life or Bioshock.

HL has just about no story, its some sort of fetch quest game with 5mins of dialogue repeated for the entire series. It also has the worst driving in any game since the NES. Bioshock has just about no story with lots of fetch quests, it was a great idea, but was turned into a bad thing.

I don't know what game you're playing, but there is absolutely no driving in Half Life ... The story was brilliant for the time when it was released because it gives you the experience of being trapped in the Black-Mesa facility, and was the first cinematic game that didn't involve cut scenes.

Once again, I don't know what game you were playing but Bioshock had a pretty good story. The reason I choose Bioshock was because of the method it told the story was fairly good (through the use of diary-audio tapes which provided a mood for the game) and the fact that it approached issues without the need for a 20 Minute cut scene.

DTGs post demonstrates the problem with Metal gear more than anything else, a long conversation filled with really stupid filler in order to try to say something that could be summed up in a paragraph.


Stupid filler? That conversation is filled with profound ideas about society, the nature of truth, identity, free will vs determinism and others. Just because you and others disagree with the content of it or simply do not wish to understand it doesn't designate it "stupid filler" unless you call the works of Immanual Kant merely stupid filler as well.

I understand everything in there... because it's directly spells out everything in very simple terms... and it's all stuff that's run of the mill already talkied about stuff. There is no new or huge insight in any of that.

The fact that you actually attribute those ideas to Kojima is thoroughly laughable in the same way someone might write a few lines from plato and give the person plagerizing it the credit.

Seriously, for a real game with actual philosphical meaning... try out Killer 7. You can get it on PS2. Though admitdly the controlling is better on the cube. Though you like MGS so awkward battle controls shouldn't be too much an issue. That is a truley deep and philosophical game... that someone actually has to THINK about to get. Rather then just have everythign spelled out for you as if you were reading a philosphy for dummies book.

Also... Kobe Bryant doesn't prioritze 3 point shooting in basketball. My friend james does. Kobe Bryant could still beat my friend James in a 3pt contest.