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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sexually explicit content

Yea, I never understood the relationship with sex, violence, and media.

Almost every form of violence is illegal, yet you can put it in a teen video game "you have to kill thousands of people in Halo tonight? Cool son, don't stay up to late".

Almost every form of sex is legal (and practiced regularly), yet putting in a video game removes the teen rating "You see the side of a breast in that video game? We need to remove these from the shelves immediately!"

I don't get it.

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I'll explain why. Christian virtues. As the U.S. and Europe had a lot of Christian influence put to them, many principles became accepted, and still exist strongly today, even in non-christian organizations. These principles dictate that both murder (and other forms of violence) and adultery are wrong. And as such, these principles have impacted the gaming industry as well (along with many others).

Now, it is these principles that create the radically different attitudes towards sex and violence. As stated above, adultery is forbidden by Christian virtue; but it does not forbid sex. Also the other virtue does not totally forbid violence, just unwarrented violence (such as murder, which is unjustifiable killing). Expounding upon adultery (adultery being sexuality outside of a marriage, Christianity also forbids lust, castigating it as a form of adultery. Therefore, as these virtues are still present in the game industry, ANY sexual display inherently brings with it the possibility of lusting to the player (which, of course, is forbidden), whereas any display of violence does not warrent itself to being justifiable. For example, my parents have much less of a problem with me playing a WWII game then they would for a GTA game.

You might ask why, then, is unwarranted violence allowed today? I think the distincition between warranted and unwarrented violence can easily blurred, what with plot and character and all. So the industry has crept a lot faster towards accepting unwarrented voilence displays over sexual ones.

So that's the main reason (IMHO) why sexuality is far less allowed.


To lavish praise upon this title, the assumption of a common plateau between player and game must be made.  I won't open my unworthy mouth.

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If sex has to be developed within the gaming industry, it has to be developed slowly. 20 Years into the lifespan of films and you had to be happy to see a kiss. Shot from the back of the characters. Let it grow, Mass effect made the first steps, just sit back and wait.

But I do agree, I have rarely seen a game where explicit sex would add anything. The mere notion is usually enough like how thye do it in James Bond, or Indiana Jones or basicly any other movie. Sex can off course get more explicit the moment a game is more explicit. If we place James Bond next to Sin city I think you can see my point. The sexscéne in Sin City added to the character of Marv. A bond sexscene adds to the character of bond, despite one being more explicit then the other.

But I have never seen a movie that I would call blockbuster good or Oscar worthy where rancy sex would add to the whole movie

The Doctor will see you now  Promoting Lesbianism -->


I think the generation of hardcore gamers have grown up from the old N64,PS1 and SNES days.I think it's time for some adult content.Not necessarily pertaining to sex,maybe stories, characters and atmosphere.

appolose said:

I'll explain why. Christian virtues. As the U.S. and Europe had a lot of Christian influence put to them, many principles became accepted, and still exist strongly today, even in non-christian organizations. These principles dictate that both murder (and other forms of violence) and adultery are wrong. And as such, these principles have impacted the gaming industry as well (along with many others).

Now, it is these principles that create the radically different attitudes towards sex and violence. As stated above, adultery is forbidden by Christian virtue; but it does not forbid sex. Also the other virtue does not totally forbid violence, just unwarrented violence (such as murder, which is unjustifiable killing). Expounding upon adultery (adultery being sexuality outside of a marriage, Christianity also forbids lust, castigating it as a form of adultery. Therefore, as these virtues are still present in the game industry, ANY sexual display inherently brings with it the possibility of lusting to the player (which, of course, is forbidden), whereas any display of violence does not warrent itself to being justifiable. For example, my parents have much less of a problem with me playing a WWII game then they would for a GTA game.

You might ask why, then, is unwarranted violence allowed today? I think the distincition between warranted and unwarrented violence can easily blurred, what with plot and character and all. So the industry has crept a lot faster towards accepting unwarrented voilence displays over sexual ones.

So that's the main reason (IMHO) why sexuality is far less allowed.


Blame the christians eh?

How about other cultures that aren't christian? It ever occur to you that they happen to have the same principal moral values?

Or do we see nudity and sex in Japanese and Korean games?



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Slimebeast said:

Blame the christians eh?

How about other cultures that aren't christian? It ever occur to you that they happen to have the same principal moral values?

Or do we see nudity and sex in Japanese and Korean games?


Don't tell me you don't know about the crazy Japanese DS games where you touch young boys/girl with the stylus? O_o

There's are platforms already exisiting for adult content (you should already know what they are) I don't see why they should have to go into Movies , Music , Games etc where that's not many of our main intentions when purchasing it , in my honest opinion sexual content is placed into media where there isn't alot of inteligence making or consuming the media , media that doesn't have alot of depth to it.

When I buy a violent game I don't want unnesacery and uncalled for sexually explicit content , when I watch a violent movie I don't want unneccasery and uncalled for sexually explicit content . It's like i'm being force fed information that i don't desire .

Some people have the perception that sexually explicit content is meant for adults whilst in a sense that is true , only adults should be allowed to view it , that doesn't mean that adults should need to or feel comfortable with viewing purley because it sais "adult content" , that would be like placing "adult substance" on weed packages.

I'm a 17 year old by the way if that makes a difference.

I'm really surprised so many people are against sex even being in videogames.

Fortunately, the medium will grow just like all the others and it will eventually be accepted. Sex in movies many times has a point to it. Look at The History of Violence.

Slimebeast said:
appolose said:

I'll explain why. Christian virtues. As the U.S. and Europe had a lot of Christian influence put to them, many principles became accepted, and still exist strongly today, even in non-christian organizations. These principles dictate that both murder (and other forms of violence) and adultery are wrong. And as such, these principles have impacted the gaming industry as well (along with many others).

Now, it is these principles that create the radically different attitudes towards sex and violence. As stated above, adultery is forbidden by Christian virtue; but it does not forbid sex. Also the other virtue does not totally forbid violence, just unwarrented violence (such as murder, which is unjustifiable killing). Expounding upon adultery (adultery being sexuality outside of a marriage, Christianity also forbids lust, castigating it as a form of adultery. Therefore, as these virtues are still present in the game industry, ANY sexual display inherently brings with it the possibility of lusting to the player (which, of course, is forbidden), whereas any display of violence does not warrent itself to being justifiable. For example, my parents have much less of a problem with me playing a WWII game then they would for a GTA game.

You might ask why, then, is unwarranted violence allowed today? I think the distincition between warranted and unwarrented violence can easily blurred, what with plot and character and all. So the industry has crept a lot faster towards accepting unwarrented voilence displays over sexual ones.

So that's the main reason (IMHO) why sexuality is far less allowed.


Blame the christians eh?

How about other cultures that aren't christian? It ever occur to you that they happen to have the same principal moral values?

Or do we see nudity and sex in Japanese and Korean games?



The japanese are a peverted people. I don't think anyone wants to use them as a basis for a moral argument about sexuality.

They invented tentacle rape by sea monsters. I think western peversion is < than that.



Sex in art is very normal. Not only today, it was normal in ancient times too. For instance you can look at this image: That's more than 1000 years old. That unnatural stance to sexuality and nudity is mostly found in the US-culture, but other cultures that base on christianity or islam may have this problem also to some deegree.

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