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There's are platforms already exisiting for adult content (you should already know what they are) I don't see why they should have to go into Movies , Music , Games etc where that's not many of our main intentions when purchasing it , in my honest opinion sexual content is placed into media where there isn't alot of inteligence making or consuming the media , media that doesn't have alot of depth to it.

When I buy a violent game I don't want unnesacery and uncalled for sexually explicit content , when I watch a violent movie I don't want unneccasery and uncalled for sexually explicit content . It's like i'm being force fed information that i don't desire .

Some people have the perception that sexually explicit content is meant for adults whilst in a sense that is true , only adults should be allowed to view it , that doesn't mean that adults should need to or feel comfortable with viewing purley because it sais "adult content" , that would be like placing "adult substance" on weed packages.

I'm a 17 year old by the way if that makes a difference.