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If sex has to be developed within the gaming industry, it has to be developed slowly. 20 Years into the lifespan of films and you had to be happy to see a kiss. Shot from the back of the characters. Let it grow, Mass effect made the first steps, just sit back and wait.

But I do agree, I have rarely seen a game where explicit sex would add anything. The mere notion is usually enough like how thye do it in James Bond, or Indiana Jones or basicly any other movie. Sex can off course get more explicit the moment a game is more explicit. If we place James Bond next to Sin city I think you can see my point. The sexscéne in Sin City added to the character of Marv. A bond sexscene adds to the character of bond, despite one being more explicit then the other.

But I have never seen a movie that I would call blockbuster good or Oscar worthy where rancy sex would add to the whole movie

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