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^^ ... werent we talkin bout smoking?

I dont smoke, but I do smoke the occasional shisha, and when I can I make it a herbal shisha.

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I think there is some ciggarette advertising in F1 still, but it is illegal in some countries

I hate smokers, they annoy me, because they have no concern for my wellbeing. I would not really care if they smoked on their own, but if they smoke while walking down the street, they are annoying me because it makes me feel slightly sick

Thatmax said:
^^ ... werent we talkin bout smoking?

I dont smoke, but I do smoke the occasional shisha, and when I can I make it a herbal shisha.


yeah. sorry for the off topic, it's just that the demonisation of smoking and the glorification of alcoholism is a pet peeve of mine.

Proud Sony Rear Admiral

I only smoke to get high and usually I use a water pipe (or a vaporiser).

Smoking sucks.

It makes your teeth yellow, and it smells disgusting.

And you waste four minutes of your life smoking, and take seven minutes off of the end of your life.

I mean, why pay to kill yourself?

You can do that for free by jumping out of your window.

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Personally, I think smoking is pretty stupid. It makes you smell like shit and wastes your money.

I generally don't have a problem with smokers as long as they don't sit near me so I don't have to smell them.

i dont smoke and dont have a problem with smokers, unless its a chick trying to talk to me, BIG turnofff.


currently playing:

I wish nobody smoked, it's just sick.

Nintendo still doomed?
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I don't smoke, won't ever smoke, and can't stand smokers. Smoking is more harmful to the people around the smoker than the smoker themselves. That's the main reason. Plus, think about the people who are around you the most. It's probably going to be the ones you love the most. Screwing up all the people I care about through no fault of their own? Not for me. Plus, I don't like 40+ carcinogens and tar going into my lungs with every breath.

I have been offered a smoke. Hell, I was offered pot and I was like no. I am not doing that shit and am not going to throw my life down the toilet.

I don't mind smoke though. I just hate smelling like it. Thank goodness my parents know that I would never smoke.