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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - New Conduit Screens

Garcian Smith said:
FaRmLaNd said:
Im sure it'll be fun, but it doesn't look that impressive, looks like a pc game from like 2003. Lets hope the gameplay is really good.

 Seeing as the Wii is basically console hardware from 2001, looking like a PC game from 2003 is quite a feat.

Actually the architecture of the wii's cpu is based of a powerpc 750CL which was launched in 2006. The broadway in someways is actually superior. So no the wii doesn't have 2001 hardware. I would compare it more to 2004 high end pc hardware.


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sc94597 said:
FaRmLaNd said:
Im sure it'll be fun, but it doesn't look that impressive, looks like a pc game from like 2003. Lets hope the gameplay is really good.

Example? I want to know the pc game you are talking about.

Max Pain 2

They're quite comparable really

sc94597 said:
Yakuzaice said:
sc94597 said:
FaRmLaNd said:
Im sure it'll be fun, but it doesn't look that impressive, looks like a pc game from like 2003. Lets hope the gameplay is really good.

Example? I want to know the pc game you are talking about.

Max Payne 2

The only thing I see superior in Max Payne 2 is lighting. Everthing else seems either on par or the conduit has the advantage.

Better textures, higher resolution, and a whole lot less aliasing as well. I'll admit though that the hands in the pic where he is holding the pistol look pretty good. After the tech demo they showed, I don't know how anyone can be excited about these screens.

I didn't say 2003 pc games looked better, I said it looks similar and as you say "The only thing I see superior in Max Payne 2 is lighting. Everthing else seems either on par or the conduit has the advantage." They're of similar quality. That doesn't mean the game is bad, but this neither has the art style of something like mario galaxy (or Max pain which noir style makes it look very good), nor the technical proficiency to be proclaimed as graphical tour de force. Also of note was that max pain 2 was teh first game to feature havok physics, so it really was a great looking game for its time.

FaRmLaNd said:
sc94597 said:
FaRmLaNd said:
Im sure it'll be fun, but it doesn't look that impressive, looks like a pc game from like 2003. Lets hope the gameplay is really good.

Example? I want to know the pc game you are talking about.

They're quite comparable really

 Unreal tournament 2003? Um ok I hope that is a joke.

Max Payne 2 Does look better though. The conduit does do some things better than it like the better character models.  I'm pretty sure the conduit could look better though.

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lol I removed my 2k3 image because it looked like crap. I hadn't played it for years so I couldn't remember exactly. But max pain 2 is still a perfect example.


EDIT also the conduit will look more polished as the developers work on it more. So as I said in the beginning it looks like a fun game, but its just that its graphics really isn't something to rattle on about.Im just glad a 3rd party is really giving it a go on the wii. I personally hope it turns out really well.

No local multiplayer? Honestly....what? The biggest reason I was excited for this game was that I'd have a new FPS game to play with my friends. Now it all feels so cold and lonely.

wfz said:
No local multiplayer? Honestly....what? The biggest reason I was excited for this game was that I'd have a new FPS game to play with my friends. Now it all feels so cold and lonely.

 If your friends have wiis then you could play over lan. I think it's because the game is too taxing to play with splitscreen.

wow thats really slick! Dare I say that it looks better than metroid?

how do you set up the lan exactly?