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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony E3 Press Conference - July 15th @ 11:30AM PST! - Will they WIN Again??

RolStoppable said:
konnichiwa said:
Sorry Rol but I thought you were also one of the persons who said Ninty's E3 conference was dissapointed last year... You were expecting a mass of new games/Ip's.

There were really not that many people happy with Nintendo's conference last year...Wii wheel and Wii Fit announcements....

I hope Nintendo will show us some new games :).

After the win that was E3 06, the 07 edition could only be disappointing. But disappointment didn't mean that I thought that Microsoft and Sony did better. Nintendo still managed to show the most interesting games (for me anyway) out of the big three and they have all been released by now.

I'd agree with that. E3 07 sucked. I expect E3 08 to suck as well... i mean they are still doing the "Focus on buisness instead of gamers" route still right?

Nintendo definitly won last year. Also, I find Wii Fit fun. Though a bit annoying in that it's kind of guilt trippy if you don't play it every day.

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No, let me correct that....

RPG's!!! We want those!! So Sony, bring on... those release dates, asap!!!

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

Supporter of PlayStation and Nintendo

It could go any way, really.

Team Ico and God of War 3 are Sony's obvious cards to play here.
Nintendo can play any card they want, as they have announced virtually nothing beyond Summer.
Microsoft has Bungie, Alan Wake, and Lionhead to talk about.

Just depends on what is getting closer to readiness.">">

Probably Motorstorm 2, LBP, R2 and KZ2. Maybe GoW3. FF will prob be TGS. Nearly 200 posts lol


darthdevidem01 said:

Well last E3 was definetely seen as SONY winning...mainly because the arrogance was little to none, they had done a price cut, killzone 2 delivered and they were the only company who took E3 seriously last year.

THIS year Nintendo have already said they have yet to show their Holiday line up.....

MS we know will make GEOW 2, Too Human & Fable 2 {tries to hide jealousy} BIG.

But what can SONY do to win again.....:::::

Legend of Dragoon HD? Shadow of the Colossus 2? Next-Gen Blasto?FF7 remake?

Only gameplay videos of FFXIII can bring Sony anywhere close to victory

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

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Pristine20 said:
darthdevidem01 said:

Well last E3 was definetely seen as SONY winning...mainly because the arrogance was little to none, they had done a price cut, killzone 2 delivered and they were the only company who took E3 seriously last year.

THIS year Nintendo have already said they have yet to show their Holiday line up.....

MS we know will make GEOW 2, Too Human & Fable 2 {tries to hide jealousy} BIG.

But what can SONY do to win again.....:::::

Legend of Dragoon HD? Shadow of the Colossus 2? Next-Gen Blasto?FF7 remake?

Only gameplay videos of FFXIII can bring Sony anywhere close to victory

 You'd hope.  They've been showing that same trailer for like the last year and a half.  Adding in one or two screens whenever people stop getting impressed.

ONE of the main reason E3 07 sucked was because it was SMALL..

not it is going back to the LA Convention centre

so LA FTW!

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey


come on be fair.....they added 5 seconds to the trailer n changed the colour of one of the backgrounds...

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

darthdevidem01 said:

I brought wii fit (its crap).....seriously investigate before accusing...

last E3 all hardcore gaming sites were happy with SONY the most....due to UT 3 exclusive announcement....price drop.....& the biggest one.....Killzone 2 actually delivered....that was so big at the time that it did overshadow most things

Rolstoppoable was talking about the mainstream press who favored Nintendo's Wii Fit. Mainstream press don't seem to favor certain hardcore games. They tend not to talk about games like FF13 or MGS4. Devices like Wii Fit are more of what their audience reads about. So though Sony won the hardcore crowd last E3, Nintendo won over the mainstream press and we all see how much of an impact that has had on the industry.



My predictions (including a totally wild, non-fact-based wildcard for each:


-The stuff in my sig, obviously minus the part about launching with WiiWare
-Pikmin 3
-One new in-house IP
-A veritable torrent of sweet-looking T-P games in many genres
-Zeldii (ok, that was bad :-p)
-A DS bundle with Dragon Quest IX
-For the finale: Kingdom Hearts 3

WILDCARD: When they announce the hard drive, they'll also announce some form of voice chat support, AND the drive will come loaded with a Brawl patch so you can talk while playing. Either that, or comes with 1000 Wii points)


-Further pimping of Killzone and FFXIII
-Heavy Rain
-Home (if it's not out yet)
-Maybe the full GT5
-Some new service for PSN

WILDCARD: They secured exclusivity for GTAV

-Halo Wars
-Gears of War 2
-Halo Chronicles
-Fable 2
-Left 4 Dead
-Alan Wake
-The mysterious new game Bungie is working on for them.
-Splinter Cell: Conviction
-A price cut of at least $50

WILD CARD: Free Xbox Live

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."